Celebrating #WorldWideWebDay 🌐 with a twist!
🤖 'I-Wood': the forest intelligence inspired by the #WoodWideWeb that will mimic plants' communication, movement & behavior.
🌍🌳 While we surf the digital web, let's not forget to appreciate the green web beneath our feet!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DigitalEU/status/1686353588258496512
“We turn to trees when we are lost.”
—Deacon Miller
“I want to tell what the forests
were like
I will have to speak
in a forgotten language”
—WS Merwin
“What you remember saves you”
—WS Merwin
“Are we being good ancestors?”
—Jonas Saulk
“Literature is what makes trees immortal.”
—Thomas McGuane
👂to #PaulHoldengraber & author #RobertMcfarlane in this #LitHub podcast about #Underland & more.
#WoodWideWeb #WordWideWeb #Poetry #Prose #Conversation #PhoneCallFromPaul
#paulholdengraber #robertmcfarlane #LitHub #underland #WoodWideWeb #wordwideweb #poetry #prose #conversation #phonecallfrompaul
scientists know that mushrooms stay connected with the environment and the organisms around them using a kind of “internet” communication. You may have heard this referred to as the wood wide web.
#computerscience #mushrooms #WoodWideWeb
#computerscience #mushrooms #WoodWideWeb
Was ist dran am „Wood-Wide-Web“? Gängige Annahmen zum Mykorrhiza-Netzwerk im Wald im wissenschaftlichen Faktentest. #Mykorrhiza #Wurzelpilz #Pilze #Wald #WoodWideWeb https://www.scinexx.de/news/biowissen/was-ist-dran-am-wood-wide-web/
#Mykorrhiza #wurzelpilz #pilze #Wald #WoodWideWeb
@Elbwiese @frauvogel Moosinvasionen, die die Autoindustrie plattgrünen. #Mycelium zwischen freundlichen #Flechten und #Pilzen, das freundliche Menschen teleportiert. #WoodWideWeb-Anschluss im Baumcafé.
#WoodWideWeb #Pilzen #Flechten #mycelium
"We were actually making the #forests sick by taking out the #plants that they needed to get through post-disturbance and succession. Those plants have roles in #ecosystems." Suzanne Simard about #Mother #Trees, #kin recognition, and how to #heal our separation from the living world. Podcast + transcript: https://emergencemagazine.org/interview/finding-the-mother-tree/ #MotherTree #WoodWideWeb #symbiosis #biodiversity
#biodiversity #symbiosis #WoodWideWeb #MotherTree #heal #kin #trees #mother #ecosystems #plants #forests
Finding the Mother Tree | An Interview with Suzanne Simard who perhaps popularised the term Wood Wide Web
'groups of plants do associate with each other. There are plant associations. They like to grow together. Birch and fir are like that. Birch has all these other features—like it harbors bacteria that are antagonistic to pathogenic fungi in the soil. And so, Douglas fir loves being around birch because it’s healthy.'
#WoodWideWeb #LoveTrees #trees #woodlands
Wow, I already heard of self-organising #Blobs and experiments using them for future computer technology. I listened to the wonderful #forestEcologist Suzanne Simard talking about the #WoodWideWeb.
Now" a team of #researchers at Johannes Kepler University has found that the skin of a certain kind of #mushroom can be used as a #biodegradable base for #computerChips." #Mushrooms are indeed #mindblowing! https://eandt.theiet.org/content/articles/2022/11/mushroom-skin-could-be-made-into-biodegradable-computer-chips/#.Y3lH422ajW8.link #fungi #sporespondence #mycelium #hyphae #future #sustainability
#sustainability #future #hyphae #mycelium #sporespondence #fungi #mindblowing #mushrooms #computerchips #biodegradable #mushroom #researchers #WoodWideWeb #forestecologist #blobs
Forests 🌳 limit climate change effects even under the ground. Read about ERC grantee @BarbaraMazzolai's use of #roboticnetworks @IITalk to understand the #WoodWideWeb 👉 https://bit.ly/3WEv0qY
More ERC frontier research on #biodiversity ➡️ https://bit.ly/3WqgmDv @COP27P
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1589898325494444032
#roboticnetworks #WoodWideWeb #biodiversity
Interesting scientific debate regarding the #woodwideweb and #Mycorrhizal #communication in #forests..
As a #tolkien fan and a #psycholinguist, I'm only slightly disappointed.. :)
Thanks to @Carl_Zimmer for linking to this paper in that other place..
#psycholinguist #tolkien #forests #communication #mycorrhizal #WoodWideWeb
Suzanne Simard ikerlari kanadiarrak CO₂ erradioaktiboa eman zien urki batzuei. Bi urteren ondoren CO₂ horren %6 mikorriza (onddo-sustrai elkarketa sinbiotiko mutualista) bidez konektatutako izeietan aurkitu zuen. Izeiei itzala jarri zienean, fotosintesi ahalmena mugatuz, karbono gehiago jaso zuten urkiengandik. Landare espezie ezberdinek baliabideak komunitatean partekatzen dituzte beharraren arabera. #WoodWideWeb #EntangledLife
Merlin Sheldrakeren "#EntangledLife - How fungi make our worlds, change our minds, and shape our futures" irakurtzen. Interesgarria. Orri honetan zientzialariek naturareriko behar duten umiltasunaz eta ezagutzen ez nuen #WoodWideWeb kontzeptua: landare eta onddoek osatzen dute sinbiosi sarea. Onddoek fosforoa, nitrogenoa... landareei eman eta trukean fotosintesi bidez sortutako azukre eta lipidoak jaso. Landareek beren artean elikagaiak eta seinaleak konpartitzeko ere bai