In case y'all don't speak eye language, what Kota says here is "bring on the Buckeyes, bitches." #GoDawgs #SicEm #WoofWoofWoofWoofWoof
#WoofWoofWoofWoofWoof #SicEm #GoDawgs
Soooo, Murphy ((◔_◔)) did not have the patience to wait for all the balloons to align. She did, however, have something she wanted me to pass on to y’all: it’s gameday beeches!
#WoofWoofWoofWoofWoof #SicEm #GoDawgs
So this was cool. #GoDawgs #SicEm #WoofWoofWoofWoofWoof
#WoofWoofWoofWoofWoof #SicEm #GoDawgs