@cavedueller Oh, fantastic! #WoolOfBat is on my list of games to play again (our first attempt fizzled out after a session or two, through no fault of the game) and I'm looking forward to checking out this new version!
@FranigoRolls Meine persönlichen Indie-Nischenhits des Jahres: #ACozyDen, #MaNishtana, #PreparingForParis, #TheGirlfriendOfMyGirlfriendIsMyFriend, #ThisNightOnTheRooftops, #WoolOfBat. Habe ich alle als One- oder Twoshot gespielt und würde ich alle sofort nochmal spielen! #pnpde
#acozyden #manishtana #preparingforparis #thegirlfriendofmygirlfriendismyfriend #thisnightontherooftops #WoolOfBat #pnpde
@fionawhim @cavedueller Definitely a game I need to play again! Unfortunately the first attempt fizzled out due to scheduling issues, but I really enjoyed the worldbuilding and character creation and the few scenes we got to play! #WoolOfBat
I'm revising #WoolOfBat and adding a few more moves for the setting playbooks. This one's for the Elements. "Force living things to adapt" kind of works. But then, it's also implied by everything else about the playbook, so maybe I need a completely different one...