#FoxiMax 1.9.5 was deployed last night. Only very minor changes:
Highlight colours in the alternate colour scheme were updated.
Layout in iPad/landscape mode was improved. This still remains an experimental feature, but hopefully now works for most modern tablets.
#foximax #Wordle #WordGame #indiedev
Ready Player 2 #FoxiMax #SkunkWorks #ComingSoon #IndieGame #WordGame
#foximax #skunkworks #ComingSoon #indiegame #WordGame
A few people have had issues with the small letter keys in FoxiMax, so we're testing a slight re-jig that makes the keyboard a wee bit bigger. It's closer to #Wordle size. Keys are about 20% bigger, and gaps between are too.
One nice side affect is that 7-letter words now fit! This will appear after the 6-letter game that is already in dev.
#FoxiMax #WordGame #indiegame
#Wordle #foximax #WordGame #indiegame
Here's a UK news-themed training game of FoxiMax.
#FoxiMax New feature. When a game is complete, if you click or touch on a word, you will be taken to an online-dictionary showing you the definition. Refresh to v1.8.0 or higher to see this. Available in English and Danish games. #language #languagelearning #english #Dansk #Danish #Engelsk #WordGame #WordGames #Wordle #wørdle #ordspil
#foximax #language #languagelearning #english #dansk #danish #engelsk #WordGame #wordgames #Wordle #ordspil
Wordle 572 3/6
Good morning #WordleWarriors and fellow #wordgame enthusiasts. It’s not a weird or wonderful word today, so I think you won’t have too much trouble.
#wordlewarriors #WordGame #Wordle #wordle572 #wordlebuddies
A preview of what Max is up to behind the scenes. This is to support languages where 5 letters is not optimal. And for a bit of variety. For longer words, accessibility (which we have a lot of work to do on in the main game) becomes more complex. #FoxiMax #WordGame #SkunkWorks
#foximax #WordGame #skunkworks
A preview of what Max is up to behind the scenes. This is to support languages where 5 letters is not optimal. And for a bit of variety. For longer words, accessibility (which we have a lot of work to do on in the main game) becomes more complex. #FoxiMax #WordGame #SkunkWorks
#foximax #WordGame #skunkworks
WORDLE TODAY 2022-12-05
#Wordle #wordlenyt #WordGame #puzzle
Find the solution today
#wordle #wordleonline #WordGame #puzzle
Hvis du har et øjeblik, prøv venligst vores families Hangman-ordspil (gæt et bogstav ad gangen). Fortæl os, hvad du synes, og del det, hvis du kan lide det.
#wørdle #dansk #wordle #ordspil #wordgame
#Wordle #dansk #ordspil #WordGame