Hallucination: It’s not just for sentient beings anymore. https://nancyfriedman.typepad.com/away_with_words/2023/02/word-of-the-week-hallucination.html
Check out FECM’s newest #WordoftheWeek! 👉 Carbon Dioxide Removal (#CDR)
Further to my previous #mud #sussex #dialect post, I do solemnly apologise to you all that I confused my CLODGE and my STODGE.
STODGE is the same as SLUB, thick shoe-pulling mud in a ploughed field. CLODGE is the same, but only once you've sunk your foot in six inches of water first. It's basically SLUB that's been rained on. Got it? Good.
I shall now go away and indecorously punish myself with birch twig flagellation.
I seek your eternal forgiveness.
#mud #sussex #dialect #etymology #words #WordOfTheWeek
Hodophile is my new favorite #word.
#Travel #newwordwednesday #WordOfTheWeek #words #word
Here are a few things I enjoy:
#bicycling #biking #bicycle
#horses #horsebackriding
#words #wordsoftheday #wordoftheweek
#WordOfTheWeek #wordsoftheday #words #wyoming #Photography #grandtetons #yellowstonenationalpark #trains #Writing #Reading #TRX #rebounding #walking #horsebackriding #horses #camping #hiking #Bicycle #biking #bicycling