Good news, we have access to our own website. It will be updated on a rolling release and onto #WordPress
Support crucial PHP development that affects the #WordPress project.
Also looking at you big #WordPress agencies.
Looking to monetize your #wordpress or #classicpress website? Make it easy on yourself with the best plugin and tools available!
#passiveincome #revenue #onlinerevenue #workonline #income #adsense #affiliateads
#affiliateads #adsense #income #workonline #onlinerevenue #revenue #passiveincome #classicpress #WordPress
Did you update to the latest version of AdRotate pro yet?
#php #wordpress #classicpress #pluginupdate #plugin #advertising #adsense #ads #passiveincome
#passiveincome #ads #adsense #advertising #plugin #pluginupdate #classicpress #WordPress #PHP
I made a dark mode toggle, which applies the .dark class to the body (body class="dark").
I used a SCSS mixin & see it at the bottom of the full stylesheet.
It's not overriding the body class properties.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
@Media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {@include dark-mode;}
@mixin dark-mode {
body {
&.dark {
background: $color-darkgrey;
color: $color-cream;
Using !important doesn't help.
#webdesign #WordPress #darkmode #scss #CSS
#Interoperability of #WordPress, #RSS and the #Fediverse is what we are interested in for a while now, and sharing this tutorial might help others too.
#interoperability #WordPress #RSS #fediverse
»WooCommerce 8.1 RC 2« #WordPress #WooCommerce #eCommerce #Shop
#shop #ecommerce #woocommerce #WordPress
WordCamp Nederland 2023 is afgelopen.
Als mede-organisator mag ik, en mogen wij als team terugkijken op een fantastisch evenement.
Bedankt sprekers!
Bedankt sponsors!
Bedankt vrijwilligers!
En natuurlijk ook bedankt bezoekers!
Jullie maakten dit evenement mede mogelijk.
Nu is het tijd voor rust. Binnenkort komen de foto's en video's online. Hou onze site in de gaten.
»WooCommerce Vs. Shopify (2023 Comparison): WooCommerce and Shopify are two of the most popular eCommerce platforms available today.« #WordPress #WooCommerce #eCommerce #Shop
#shop #ecommerce #woocommerce #WordPress
»How to Determine the Best Online Business to Start« #WordPress #WooCommerce #eCommerce #Shop
#shop #ecommerce #woocommerce #WordPress
I know the #WordPress world is full up on form plugins, but I’m *really* into OmniForm.
It’s fully Block Editor based and has done a solid job on everything I've thrown at it since I got access to the beta a few months ago.
I tried to convince colleagues to ditch their home page carousel for years; we're way beyond debating these, I think, plus it had #accessibility issues.
They didn't delete it until somebody forgot to pay for the plugin renewal and it locked every page in their website so that they couldn't edit any content.
#a11y #WordPress #Accessibility
[❓ Besoin de conseils]
Actuellement, notre #blog (#Wordpress) est sauvegardé automatiquement via l'extension Updraft vers notre compte Google Drive.
J'ai récemment pris un abonnement chez @Zaclys pour profiter, entre autres, de Nextcloud.
Quelqu'un aurait-il une solution à me proposer pour passer à une #sauvegarde de notre site sur #Nextcloud et non sur #Google Drive ? Même si ça demande une manip manuelle régulière, je suis preneur.
#blog #WordPress #sauvegarde #nextcloud #google
»WooCommerce 8.1 RC 1« #WordPress #WooCommerce #eCommerce #Shop
#shop #ecommerce #woocommerce #WordPress
Next Monday night, the Philly ‘burbs WprdPress Meetup hold an open help desk. Members will be on hand to work with and assist each other with issues and challenges they are experiencing on their #WordPress sites.
Come on out to Ryan's Pub in West Chester, Pa.
»Developer Advisory: Changes in WooCommerce Core Beta Release Cycle« #WordPress #WooCommerce #eCommerce #Shop
#shop #ecommerce #woocommerce #WordPress
Update today to AdRotate Professional 5.13 which improves and fixes a number of things in the Advertiser dashboard and improves management of advertiser created adverts.
#wordpress #php #ads #advertising #marketing #classicpress #adsense #website #wordpressplugin
#wordpressplugin #website #adsense #classicpress #marketing #advertising #ads #PHP #WordPress
Mais en plus il y a un modèle « Index » qui existe et semble voué à cet usage...donc pourquoi je ne trouve pas la page en question ?
Si jamais des pros de #Wordpress ont une idée de comment régler ça ce serait formidable, je commence à désespérer 😭
I've added a Mastodon Feed page to the Author section of my personal website:
It's a Wordpress site so it was really simple to add the feed using this plugin:
Well, the folks over at #WordPress have managed to make the editor so slow that I can literally type faster than it can process my typing.
Yes, I can type 100WPM, but I'm pretty sure modern computers can handle it.
I'm not sure I've been happy with a single thing they've done to the editor since they introduced block editing mode. It seems like more often than not their changes make it worse instead of better.