WordPress 6.2.2 veröffentlicht https://dasnetzundich.de/wordpress-6-2-2-veroeffentlicht/ #wordpress6.2.2 #wordpress
#WordPress6.1.1 +#php8.1 について考えている人がいたら教えてください。
ok - I'm looking for a website(s) (NOT videos) or possibly a book, to learn the basics of Word Press 6.1. There's so much new since I last had a blog I'm a bit dazed and confused. I learn LOT faster reading than I do from videos. Please send me your suggestions. I'm itching to get started again but am at a loss where to start. BTW I'm starting using theme Twenty Twenty Three.
#WordPress6.1 #Beginner #DesignResources #WebsiteDesignHelp #BasicBlog
#basicblog #websitedesignhelp #designresources #beginner #WordPress6
Great stuff here. WordPress 6.0 "Arturo" Adds More Templates and Patterns, Style Switching, and Block Locking UI. https://wptavern.com/wordpress-6-0-arturo-adds-more-templates-and-patterns-style-switching-and-block-locking-ui #WordPress #WordPressDev #WordPressFSE #WordPress6
#WordPress6 #WordPressFSE #WordPressDev #wordpress
Here's the WordPress 6.0 Release Day Process. https://make.wordpress.org/core/2022/05/19/wordpress-6-0-release-day-process/ #WordPress #WordPress6
WordPress 6.0 Field Guide – Make WordPress Core. https://make.wordpress.org/core/2022/05/03/wordpress-6-0-field-guide/ #WordPressDev #WordPress6