Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1097 followers · 71953 posts · Server

@B_Whitewind @JessiCum if you like that, that's your decision.

There's a reason literally started in .

It's not that it would be faster or more energy saving - it's neither -, but because it provides superior ergonomy and clear text.

Bright mode is a new invention based off consumer hardware hacks of bad quality like the and Software that wants to mimic paper like ...

#WordProcessing #vic20 #darkmode #monitors

Last updated 1 year ago

Peter · @pemar
110 followers · 3547 posts · Server

@doro großartige Künstlerin👍 ich habe ihre alben anfang der geliebt
funfact: ende der kam so ein hosenlatztrommler zu mir und hielt mir ne CD vor die nase mit dem Spruch "da alter, DAS wird in den Clubs momentan gespielt und ist angesagt
es war die
ich bin dann an meine Plattensammlung und habe ihm die Originalversionen gezeigt😂 🤣 😂

#80er #90er #WordProcessing

Last updated 1 year ago

TIL new versions of Microsoft Word still cannot number paragraphs consistently. At least there is something you can rely on with products from Microsoft. 🙃 /s

#microsoft #WordProcessing #software

Last updated 2 years ago

FediFollows · @FediFollows
42444 followers · 2128 posts · Server

LibreOffice is a free open source office suite, including word processing, spreadsheets, presentations etc. You can follow them at:

➡️ @libreoffice

The LibreOffice design team have also now set up an account on here at:

➡️ @libodesign

You can get LibreOffice for Linux, Mac and Windows from

#design #spreadsheets #spreadsheet #WordProcessing #apps #productivity #office #opensource #freesoftware #libre #floss #foss #LibreOffice

Last updated 3 years ago

Lydia Conwell · @lydiaconwell
544 followers · 4620 posts · Server

I've got a !

Is there a single person in the entire universe who uses predictive words/phrases for word processing or email?

I mean, what the actual fuck is that shit? Is it supposed to quicken up your typing?

Does anyone actually type and use predictive in a fluent, time-saving way?


#askfreddy #askfedi #WordProcessing #typing #question

Last updated 3 years ago

FediFollows · @FediFollows
42461 followers · 2128 posts · Server

LibreOffice is the world's most popular free open source office suite. You can follow their main official account at:

➡️ @libreoffice

The suite includes word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, databases, charts and more. It's available for Linux, Mac and Windows from

Brazilians may want to follow their own branch account (in Portuguese):

➡️ @libreofficebr

#WordProcessing #opensource #freesoftware #floss #foss #alternatives #microsoftoffice #office #LibreOffice

Last updated 4 years ago