#Narcissists, #borderlines, #histrionics and the rest of the #ClusterB variety pack can be quite the historical revisionists. Yes, they're #PathologicalLiars in matters consequential and inconsequential. When they rewrite history, however, they almost uniformly transform themselves into innocent, rosy-smelling victims and portray their actual victims as villains.
Typically, they do this via a combination of #gaslighting, #projection, #DARVO, blatant lies, half-truths, distortions and reality TV quality acting. Even when the facts eventually come to light, they shamelessly deny, lie, cry, tantrum and obfuscate with #WordSalad.
While I understand this phenomenon in terms of their characterological pathology, I never cease to be amazed by their refusal to take #accountability especially once they’re fully exposed.
You've got video, audio or emails that prove the #narcissist, #borderline or #histrionic partner’s or ex's lies and abuses? Spplffft! It doesn’t matter as far as the #NPD, #BPD or #HPD is concerned. They just tell more lies and play victim harder.
What they said or did last week, yesterday or two minutes ago is meaningless. They shake their Magic Victim 8 Ball and poof! It's time for freshly excreted self-serving lies.
They cry, pitch a tantrum, rage, pout and blithely ignore being fact-checked. They brazenly insist on their newest lies, distortions and false narratives and continue to deny, lie, gaslight and contradict themselves and anyone willing to listen to ever growing mountain of manure.
Then, when you point out the most recent pile of steaming, blatant BS, they're the victim and you're the asshole.
Narcissists, histrionics, psychopaths and borderlines don't see their cruelty, self-absorption, pathological lying and entitlement as bad. You deserve it. You make them do it. For that matter, anyone who holds them accountable is a bad, nasty person who's abusing them/victimizing them. It's completely backasswards.
Again, this is pure BS. The bad behavior is bad, not pointing out the bad behavior.
#narcissists #borderlines #histrionics #clusterb #pathologicalliars #gaslighting #projection #darvo #WordSalad #accountability #narcissist #borderline #histrionic #npd #bpd #hpd #abusehasnogender
sanitarium italian store sunflower evergreen
it's one thing to be a poetic fuckhead and serve up some #WordSalad on purpose
... but when your matrix brain short circuits off a panic attack and you find yourself just saying some shit like...
"for to be the doing of it"
...yeah, it can be a little unsettling.
still, no less tasty.
My cartoon in today's The Dominion Post & online @NZStuff
Parliament gets back to work this week... Good luck with getting any clearer information or details from the opposition.
#Chippy #Luxon #NZPol #ChristopherLuxon #ChrisHipkins #PoliticalCartoon #BiggestBestSmartest #WordSalad #NewZealand #Aotearoa
#chippy #luxon #nzpol #ChristopherLuxon #chrishipkins #politicalcartoon #biggestbestsmartest #WordSalad #newzealand #aotearoa
#RedFlag: She's surprised, dumbfounded, incredulous upon learning that men are actual human beings with feelings that can be hurt, too.
Then, when the #CognitiveDissonance kicks in, becomes argumentative and dismissive using "patriarchal oppression" to justify dehumanizing half the world's population. Why? Because #EmotionalReasoning, #BPDLogic, #NPDLogic, #GenderStudies #WordSalad, a woman's feelings are more important than a man's feelings, #EmotionalLabor bullshit.
If the woman is a therapist, this is 1000x scarier. Especially if you're seeing her in a professional capacity.
#AbuseHasNoGender #BPD #NPD #HPD #histrionic #narcissist #borderline
#redflag #cognitivedissonance #emotionalreasoning #bpdlogic #npdlogic #genderstudies #WordSalad #emotionallabor #abusehasnogender #bpd #npd #hpd #histrionic #narcissist #borderline
@jonoabroad can you imagine anyone else answering the question about potential benefits for certain parties?? Would they even know! Or just gloss over and serve up a word salad...
#NZPol #WordSalad
Breaking #NoContact when starting the #grief and #healing process is like voluntarily enrolling in a #NPD/ #BPD / #HPD ex Re-Education Camp at Lake Wannabeabusedsomemore.
#Reeducation camps are used by brutal government regimes to indoctrinate or #brainwash prisoners into forsaking their identities and comply with #CoerciveControl narratives and beliefs.
Ever wonder why your #narcissist, #borderline or #histrionic ex would keep you up at night, talking/arguing in circles about the relationship, love and other bullshit #WordSalad that ended only after you conceded to their narrative? Sleep deprivation is a common tactic used in re-education camps to break down prisoners, to the point of being malleable lumps of clay.
Rage, rage against the flickering of the #gaslight! (paraphrased from someone I follow on Twitter -- I added "flickering of" because I think it reads better).
#nocontact #grief #healing #npd #bpd #hpd #reeducation #brainwash #coercivecontrol #narcissist #borderline #histrionic #WordSalad #gaslight #abusehasnogender #mentoo
We've all seen them.
The small 'L' left who say they care and then say, but the #youngPeople, I see hope in #theNextGeneration to turn things around.
Its a common trope. We see #mediaTrained sophists use it all the time, too.
They are in there 30s, 40s and 50s. But are satisfied to not #beTheChange they want to see.
#usefulIdiots #hopeAndChange #rhetoric #lipstickLeft #wordSalad #identityLeft #fakeLeft #promisesOfABetterTomorrow #indoctrinated #sleepwalking #zombieLeft #corporateState
#youngpeople #TheNextGeneration #mediaTrained #bethechange #UsefulIdiots #hopeAndChange #rhetoric #lipstickLeft #WordSalad #identityLeft #fakeleft #promisesOfABetterTomorrow #indoctrinated #sleepWalking #zombieLeft #corporateState