Weiss jemand zufällig, ob mit den wp_theme_json_data_* PHP-Filtern irgendwie auch eine theme.json Variation aktiviert werden kann, anstatt den ganzen Mumps in PHP nochmals abzubilden?
@josir Meu site usa Wordpress (self-hosted). O contador é o Jetpack, que é um conjunto de plugins desenvolvido pela mesma Automattic do WordPress.com. Ao que me consta, ele só grava um cookie para diferenciar as visitas únicas.
#jetpack #Wordpress #automattic
Letzten Kunden von WPML zu Polylang migriert.
Nie wieder solchen ausgemachten Schwachsinn vor Augen!
#GhostBlog has added support for translations
#Wordpress #alternative #español #german #i18n #deutsch #blogging
#ghostblog #Wordpress #alternative #espanol #german #i18n #deutsch #blogging
É assim que saem os posts aqui em casa.
#Wordpress #jetpack #workingonatablet
Would anyone like to recommend a #WordPress plugin for exporting and importing images?
- Export from one #WP install, import to another. But some images has already been moved over manually, so the import function should have some system in place to avoid duplicates.
- Retain metadata, like alt text, descriptions, etc.
Website mit 10'000 Klicks in Google pro Monat macht vor ca. 2 Wochen Domainwechsel.
Gleichzeit mit zweiter Website.
Soweit, so gut. Redirects korrekt gemacht.
Aber halt Sam nicht mit an Bord während Wechsel 😂
Meldet sich heute unter Schock, weil Statistiken im Keller sind - bei NULL.
Problem ist in 20 Sekunden erkannt: Häkchen in WordPress "Suchmaschinen verbieten" vergessen abzuwählen.
Mal sehen, wie bald die wieder auf einem Level sind...
#seo #Wordpress #domainwechsel
Update vom Blog (to whom it might concern), ich bastle noch immer wie wild herum und es frustriert mich zunehmend, weil nichts weitergeht, grrr #Wordpress
Teste #WordPress #Cache-Plugins SwiftAI, PoweredCache 3, FlyingPress 4.4, WP Rocket 3.13.2.
Am Ende bleibe ich wohl doch bei den Raketen-Franzosen.
Heftig! Das Jetpack Social Plugin (Wordpress) kickt die Twitter-Autoteilen Funktion nachdem keine Vereinbarung zustande gekommen ist. Hüstel. Tumblr, Facebook und LinkedIn sind nicht betroffen. Und:
[..] “In the near future, we are adding the ability to auto-share to Instagram and Mastodon.” [..]
#Wordpress #twitter #jetpack #mastodonrocks
If you need a simple blog with a newsletter and maybe subscriptions, consider Ghost 👻 instead you of #Wordpress
There's a critical update to the UpdraftPlus plugin rolling out now. Get them sites updated quickly quickly!
This is my first post with Mastodon Autopost #plugin for #wordpress by @simon - https://wordpress.org/plugins/autopost-to-mastodon/
This is my first post with Mastodon Autopost #plugin for #wordpress by @simon - https://wordpress.org/plugins/autopost-to-mastodon/
For a while now my Wordpress site that documented my Mississippi River through paddle (travelingriversideblog.com), hosted on
NearlyFreeSpeech, has been down because of an error that states: "Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress." Any troubleshooting advice? My tech skills have greatly diminished in the 10 years since I've set it up :blobFacePalm: #WordPress #NearlyFreeSpeech #TechProblems #Websites
#Wordpress #nearlyfreespeech #techproblems #websites
@cpm Looks like's a correlation with timeouts a #WordPress plugin that's generating a ton of traffic... and that plugin is made by Automattic, the creators of WordPress. Great.
Bye, JetPack.
Today my #WordPress site I'm close to retiring had 3 visits tracked by Matomo, but nearly 5,000 requests in the Nginx logs due to the massive volume of junk traffic. My #GhostBlog sites don't have that problem.
8.6% all HTTP requests answered by Nginx today-- about 1,000, have been malicious request for `wp-login.php`. I really need to get my last #WordPress site shutdown.
By contrast, the 3 #GhostBlog sites I host attracted zero malicious login attempts today.
@davewalker 😞 Would love to help in someway - but I reckon the "no ones" you refer to in your message will be better #WordPress #Hosting people than me. Hope you get in soon. Or, at least, can find a supermarket with vacancies.
I posted a new blog post, maybe a bit self-indulgent, pondering the experience of coming back to blogging
But what I really want to know is why the hashtags don't appear when it posts to Mastodon? My template says they should, and what's more, they used to!
#puzzled #Wordpress #ActivityPub #tags #blogging