Q: How much is the hair of William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge worth?
A: £30-40K
(Personally, I 'm fascinated rather than repulsed.)
#literaryheritage #hair #williamwordsworth #samueltaylorcoleridge #wordsworth #coleridge #romantics #poetry
#literaryheritage #hair #WilliamWordsworth #samueltaylorcoleridge #Wordsworth #coleridge #Romantics #poetry
[1976] Jamie and the Magic Torch - Children's series written and narrated by Brian Trueman, who later wrote shows such as Danger Mouse and Count Duckula. When he shines his Magic Torch on the floor a hole appears, leading him and Wordsworth the sheepdog to the psychedelic world of Cuckooland.
#OldBritishTelly #Jamie #Wordsworth
'When all at once I saw a crowd, a host, of golden daffodils' as William Wordsworth so beautifully penned. These daffodils are to be found in the grounds of the Friends Meeting House (Quaker Church) in between North Herts Museum and Waitrose, in Hitchin. #hitchin #daffodils #quakers #wordsworth
#hitchin #daffodils #quakers #Wordsworth
> William Wordsworth—whose poetry is filled with tramps up mountains, through forests, and along public roads—walked as many as a hundred and eighty thousand miles in his lifetime, which comes to an average of six and a half miles a day starting from age five.
> What is it about #walking, in particular, that makes it so amenable to #thinking and #writing?
#FerrisJabr mentions #Wordsworth like #GrahamWallas did in The #ArtOfThought
#ArtOfThought #GrahamWallas #Wordsworth #FerrisJabr #writing #thinking #walking
'To the Lakes'
This looks like an exciting new exhibition at Wordsworth Grasmere on tourism in the Lake District 200 years ago and the changes that William and Dorothy Wordsworth witness in their lifetime.
#literaryheritage #tourism #history #LakeDistrict #Cumbria #Grasmere #Wordsworth
#literaryheritage #tourism #history #lakedistrict #cumbria #grasmere #Wordsworth
My *vase of daffs are making me sad… cut down in their formatives. *stolen beer glass. They were cut down for nothing more than to brighten up my day. They failed through no fault of their own but it’s naff. Naff Daffs no less. Sorry Wordsworth but yours were living their best lives. #Daffodils #NaffDafs #Wordsworth #alwayslookonthenaffsideoflife
#daffodils #naffdafs #Wordsworth #alwayslookonthenaffsideoflife
Wordsworth was so much more than a word smith. #Wordsworth #poetry #emotionaltuning
#Wordsworth #poetry #emotionaltuning
Copy text directly from a picture . https://photos.google.com/ Great for alt text! If you are visually impaired, a picture of a poem is just an empty space. Your words are worth it 👍 Check it out and please boost.
Copy text directly from a picture . https://photos.google.com/ Great for alt text! If you are visually impaired, a picture of a poem is just an empty space. Your words are worth it 👍 Check it out and please boost.
[1979] Jamie and the Magic Torch - When Jamie shines his Magic Torch on the floor of his bedroom a hole appears, leading Jamie and Wordsworth the sheepdog to the psychedelic fantasy world of Cuckooland.
#OldBritishTelly #Jamie #Wordsworth
[1976] Jamie and the Magic Torch - Children's series written and narrated by Brian Trueman, who later wrote shows such as Danger Mouse and Count Duckula. When he shines his Magic Torch on the floor a hole appears, leading him and Wordsworth the sheepdog to the psychedelic world of Cuckooland.
#OldBritishTelly #Jamie #Wordsworth
> ... to excite a feeling analogous to the supernatural by awakening the mind’s attention from the lethargy of custom and directing it to the loveliness and the wonders of the world before us.
- https://www.gutenberg.org/files/13764/13764-h/13764-h.htm#Shelley0
#coleridge on #Wordsworth #gutenberg #RobertLynd #literarycriticism
#literarycriticism #RobertLynd #gutenberg #Wordsworth #coleridge