So I know #WorkCon is kinda said and over with but I wanna really quick show off this amazingly lovely artwork that @coelacanthus did for me! Think this is the first time Rascal has ever looked spiffy and dare I say handsome even, real big 1980s NYC businessman vibes. Definitely gonna be using this again as a PFP of sorts in the future as it's just a nice piece overall. Thanks once again Coel! ^w^
the amount of people mistaking #WorkCon for a real #HumanConvention I CANT
#humanfandom #humanconvention #WorkCon
@ColtFoxy Oh no no no it's all a part of a meme
Where #WorkCon is a fake convention for the #humanFandom
Wait? There's paper work
I don't know if I wanna do business anymore
A gift from @coelacanthus for #WorkCon
Love the blue tie!
#Furry #FurryArt #Art #MastoArt #FurryFandom #SnowLeopard #cat #kitty #suit #tie #purple
#purple #tie #suit #kitty #cat #snowleopard #furryfandom #mastoart #art #furryart #furry #WorkCon
I will not be attending #WorkCon in the end. Sorry to disappoint you all.
The Billionaire #HumanSona discourse is ruining my excitement for the #WorkCon #WorkCon2023 convention.
It's unreasonable and completely misses the importance of wealthy individuals inside the fandom.
#workcon2023 #WorkCon #humansona
@Boring_Chip @tillianisafox That does seem like very inappropriate workplace behavior, so good that you were banned.
Such phrases are not to be used in the #WorkCon solid beige convention hall
The paint doesn't like that
Hey #humansonas! Look who just showed up at #WorkCon! :tom_scott: :ms_office_worker_fx90:
All packed up with my special bag of tricks- I mean IMPORTANT business files for #WorkCon
So excited to head to #WorkCon With my best co-worker @tillianisafox !!! See you all there!
Excited to announce that I'll be going to #WorkCon later! Can't wait to meet up with my fellow co-workers ^w^
Hopefully i wont spend too much money on the investor-den @w@
#workcon2023 #humansona #WorkCon
Is #WorkCon a choice? My #humansona can't go to WorkCon because they don't have the means to get there.
we need pro-union vs anti-union drama in #workCon
#humansona #humanfanfom #WorkCon
my #humansona is a feisty old lady. She plays bingo like a champ, and clips coupons so fast your tail would spin.
she still goes to #workcon as a Walmart door greeter in the garden department. 🌷🌿
#workCon is tomorrow!!!!! I can't believe it!!!! I am so excited to meet my fellow humansuiters and human fandom members and then work for 5 days a week!!!!!!!
#humanfandom #humansona #HumanSuitSaturday #WorkCon