Updated AWS::WorkSpaces::ConnectionAlias
The ConnectionAliasAssociation property was removed from the AWS::WorkSpaces::ConnectionAlias resource.
https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-workspaces-connectionalias.html #workspaces #cloudformation
Rearranged. Work setup feeling super cosy.
Work says "web client only!" for Amazon WorkSpaces so I converted mine to WSP protocol.
Then I remembered my iPad's client (PCoIP only).
And that's my sad story of the month.
kicking up my 2023 zoom meetings a few notches with my new "galaxy" projector, combined with my previous Twitch Stream Purple™️ light
Here's an Enterprise sort of odd question...
Has anyone ever got #CyberArk remote access solution working with #AWS Amazon WorkSpaces? Oh, and CyberArk and WorkSpaces are in different domains. CyberArk seems to want to present the wrong username (which isn't from either domain?)
#security #compliance #enterprise #OhBoyWhatNext #WorkSpaces
#cyberark #aws #security #compliance #enterprise #OhBoyWhatNext #WorkSpaces
Since it's Tuesday morning and we're all supposed to be working, let's share our #workspaces!
My day job is mostly on the left, the #arduino and #leatherworking stuff is mostly hobby-related, the art is mostly from my people.
The clutter is my superpower. #ADHD means that when I need a thing I usually know roughly what I was doing when I last needed it, so I know which pile it's in. If everything is "put away", I spend more time looking for stuff than using it.
#WorkSpaces #arduino #leatherworking #adhd