With Boris disgraced and his Brexit project failing we must rethink joining Europe | The Independent
#johnson #heseltine #brexit #Rejoin #Brussles #immigration #SkilledWorkers #WorkerShortage #tradedeals #tories #thatcher #GivingBrexitAChance #slogans #MobTargets #civilservice #foreigners #xenophobia #AntiImmigrant
UK set to be hit with fastest and harshest price rises in the G7 | The Independent
#costoflivingcrisis #CostOfSurvivingCrisis #costofGREEDcrisis #uk #g7 #labour #McFadden #tories #imf #hunt #brexit #WorkerShortage #EnergyCosts #mortgagerates
Brexit U-turn: Builders to get special immigration status to tackle construction industry crisis | The Independent
#builders #immigration #FastTrackImmigration #WorkerShortage #MigrationAdvisoryCommittee #SkilledWorkerVisa #brexit #benefits #Over50s #forcedwork #tories
#TRNN #TheRealNewsNetwork. 2021
#Workercooperatives prove your #job doesn't have to be hell
Is there really a #workershortage,” or are frontline workers just tired of risking their lives for substandard pay, protections, and benefits? During the CO...
#trnn #therealnewsnetwork #workercooperatives #job #WorkerShortage
#Meat #carcasses sent to #EU for #butchering amid #UK #WorkerShortage | #Food & drink #industry | The Guardian
#Brexit going as well as can be expected, I see.
#meat #carcasses #eu #butchering #uk #WorkerShortage #food #industry #brexit #politics