[Just sent this to all my colleagues, staff, and graduate students in the department.]

Dear friends,

On this “Labor Day” — instituted by the bosses to draw attention away from the International Workers’ Day, May 1— let us give some thought to a world, still imaginary, in which no worker has to stand alone against exploitation and oppression.

Imagine a university in which “faculty governance” means that academic workers govern themselves in all respects (instead of being subject to diktats from unelected deans, provosts, and presidents). Imagine a faculty union that is more than a local branch of an outfit for webinar production and collective hand-wringing. Imagine a staff union that sets the staff’s working conditions. Imagine a student union that has a real say in curriculum design and student aid.

Imagine a university that has mobilized to face the accelerating climate catastrophe and to enact climate justice, instead of paying lip service to sustainability and fossil fuel divestment.

Another world is possible, but only if we act together to bring it about.

In solidarity,


#laborday #mayday #WorkersOfTheWorldUnite #union

Last updated 1 year ago

A cappella · @waldenecovillage
352 followers · 591 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Rebekah · @CookieCat
165 followers · 233 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Happy Labor Day Weekend from this babe. Don't forget to show your support for the and wear your . 😘

#covidconcious #publictransit #labormovement #mask #numthot #MaskUp #WorkersOfTheWorldUnite

Last updated 1 year ago

Ⓐ Shimon 🏴 · @shimon
58 followers · 197 posts · Server kolektiva.social

At the beginning of my class today, only one student knew the origin of the phrase "A World to Win".
By the end of the class, they all did.

The cause of labor is the hope of the world. Happy May Day!

#mayday #labor #WorkersOfTheWorldUnite

Last updated 2 years ago

Allie · @everderp
4 followers · 21 posts · Server kolektiva.social

No surprise to anyone why union busting is a thing.


#WorkersOfTheWorldUnite #fuckstarbucks

Last updated 2 years ago

Beautiful AnarKitty · @Radical_EgoCom
165 followers · 522 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Minou.glio :anarchiststar: · @Minoglio
147 followers · 522 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Comme le rappelle @workingclasshistory , il y a 62 ans, le 20 décembre 1960, commençait en Belgique l'une des grèves les plus importantes de l'histoire du pays. Elle va déboucher sur une grève générale qui mobilisa jusqu'à environ un million de travailleur·euses. L'article ici est amusant car il est écrit par un observateur britannique de l'époque, soutenant la cause, qui dépeint de nombreuses scènes auxquelles il a assisté durant cet épisode. C'est en anglais : libcom.org/article/belgian-gen

PS : je ne l'ai pas encore terminé

#belgique #belgium #grevegenerale #generalstrike #workingclass #mouvementsocial #greve1960 #Greve #strike #WorkersOfTheWorldUnite

Last updated 2 years ago

Minou.glio :anarchiststar: · @Minoglio
147 followers · 545 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Comme le rappelle @workingclasshistory , il y a 62 ans, le 20 décembre 1960, commençait en Belgique l'une des grèves les plus importantes de l'histoire du pays. Elle va déboucher sur une grève générale qui mobilisa jusqu'à environ un million de travailleur·euses. L'article ici est amusant car il est écrit par un observateur britannique de l'époque, soutenant la cause, qui dépeint de nombreuses scènes auxquelles il a assisté durant cet épisode. C'est en anglais : libcom.org/article/belgian-gen

PS : je ne l'ai pas encore terminé

#belgique #belgium #grevegenerale #generalstrike #workingclass #mouvementsocial #greve1960 #Greve #strike #WorkersOfTheWorldUnite

Last updated 2 years ago

Helsing · @helsingssketchy
8 followers · 10 posts · Server kolektiva.social

I made a Zine for all the liberals out there who oppose the looming ! Check it out, and if you like it, print it out and distribute!



#railroad #strike #WorkersOfTheWorldUnite

Last updated 2 years ago

Helsing · @helsingssketchy
7 followers · 8 posts · Server kolektiva.social

I made a Zine for all the liberals out there who oppose the looming ! Check it out, and if you like it, print it out and distribute!

Cover and back (PNG File)

Actual Zine contents (PDF File)


#railroad #strike #WorkersOfTheWorldUnite

Last updated 2 years ago

The fascist systems of the west are imo equal to the fascsim in Iran.

The imposing of capitalism and Disenfranchisement of people comes in many flavours.
Just because the fascist regime in Iran looks like forced hijab and strict dress codes etc

Does not mean that we in the west do not also have a form of fascism too. Fascism comes in many flavours. It may not look the same across the world but it's result is always the same.


#Revolution #worldwiderevolution #WorldwideGeneralStrike #nzrevolution #exploitedlabour #WorkersOfTheWorldUnite #startrekmeme #startrekfuture #endcapitalism #endworkerexploitation #anarchocomunism #climatecollapse #capitalismisdestroyingus #capitalismisnotdemocracy #neofeudalism

Last updated 2 years ago

Haven't y'all had enough?

Do you want everyone to have what they need?
Pandemic precautions
Freedom to choose what kind of work you want to do
Freedom to take breaks
Freedom not to work if you can't or don't want to
Freedom from coerced work
Homes for all
End to climate collapse and serious pursuit of carbon zero
Rewilding of land to bring back earths balance
End industrial farming
End housing inequality
End housing as a commodity
End wars

Share the planet and it's finite resources and give love and care even to those you don't like.

There is a better way

We have the technology to do this.

We must have revolution to make this come true.

#Revolution #worldwiderevolution #WorldwideGeneralStrike #nzrevolution #exploitedlabour #WorkersOfTheWorldUnite #startrekmeme #startrekfuture #endcapitalism #endworkerexploitation #anarchocomunism #climatecollapse #capitalismisdestroyingus #capitalismisnotdemocracy #neofeudalism

Last updated 2 years ago

Haven't y'all had enough?

Do you want everyone to have what they need?
Pandemic precautions
Freedom to choose what kind of work you want to do
Freedom to take breaks
Freedom not to work if you can't or don't want to
Freedom from coerced work
Homes for all
End to climate collapse and serious pursuit of carbon zero
Rewilding of land to bring back earths balance
End industrial farming
End housing inequality
End housing as a commodity

Share the planet and it's finite resources and give love and care even to those you don't like.

There is a better way

We have the technology to do this.

We must have revolution to make this come true.

#Revolution #worldwiderevolution #WorldwideGeneralStrike #nzrevolution #exploitedlabour #WorkersOfTheWorldUnite #startrekmeme #startrekfuture #endcapitalism #endworkerexploitation #anarchocomunism #climatecollapse #capitalismisdestroyingus #capitalismisnotdemocracy #neofeudalism

Last updated 2 years ago