📢 New #Research Summary: "Education for All?
A Nationwide Audit Study of School Choice" by @PeterBergman & Isaac McFarlin Jr.
Key Finding
#Schools subject to choice –both charter & traditional public schools– are less likely to respond to application inquiries from parents signaling their student has a behavior problem, requires intensive special education services, or has a record of poor academic performance.
#Insights from a 50-page NBER #WorkingPaper in 1000 words
#research #schools #insights #WorkingPaper
New #Census #WorkingPaper in @nberpubs "Where Have All the "Creative Talents" Gone? Employment Dynamics of US Inventors" by Ufuk Akcigit & Nathan Goldschlag https://www.nber.org/papers/w31085
New #Census #WorkingPaper in @nberpubs "Measuring the Characteristics and Employment Dynamics of U.S. Inventors" by Ufuk Akcigit and Nathan Goldschlag https://www.nber.org/papers/w31086
New #Census #WorkingPaper "On The Role of Trademarks: From Micro Evidence to Macro Outcomes" by Emin Dinlersoz, Nathan Goldschlag, Mehmet Yorukoglu, and Nikolas Zolas https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2023/adrm/CES-WP-23-16.html
We're happy to announce that our work on North-east Nigeria has been published as a World Bank Policy Research #workingpaper!
The paper analyzes how the intersectionality of #gender, #ForcedDisplacement, and collective violence shapes coping behaviors in conflict crises, paying particular attention to household composition by gender and age.
'Coping with Compounding Challenges in Conflict Crises : Evidence from North-east Nigeria' is available here 👉 https://documents.worldbank.org/en/publication/documents-reports/documentdetail/099424103272317155/idu08c7cd15e0cd8a042390a3420a9ae6643ca4e
#WorkingPaper #gender #ForcedDisplacement
New #Census #WorkingPaper "Full Report of the Comparisons of Administrative Record Rosters to Census Self-Responses and NRFU Household Member Responses" by Mary H. Mulry, Cristina J. Tello-Trillo, Thomas Mule, and Andrew Keller https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2023/adrm/CES-WP-23-08.html
New #Census #WorkingPaper "Universal Preschool Lottery Admissions and Its Effects on Long-Run Earnings and Outcomes" by Randall Akee and Leah R. Clark https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2023/adrm/CES-WP-23-09.html
New #Census #WorkingPaper "21st Century Statistical Disclosure Limitation: Motivations and Challenges" by John M. Abowd and Michael B. Hawes https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2023/adrm/ced-wp-2023-002.html
New #Census #WorkingPaper "Methodology on Creating the U.S. Linked Retail Health Clinic (LiRHC) Database" by Alice Zawacki, Joey Marshall, Donald Cherry, Xianghua Yin, and Brian W. Ward https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2023/adrm/CES-WP-23-10.html
New #Census #WorkingPaper "Registered Report: Exploratory Analysis of Ownership Diversity and Innovation in the Annual Business Survey" by Timothy R. Wojan https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2023/adrm/CES-WP-23-11.html
New #Census #WorkingPaper "Use of Mobile Phone Location Data in Official Statistics" by Elizabeth Nichols, Angela O’Brien, Shelley Feuer, and Jennifer Childs https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2023/adrm/rsm2023-03.html
New #Census #WorkingPaper "Using Restricted-Access ACS Data to Examine Economic and Noneconomic Factors of Interstate Migration By Race and Ethnicity" by Bryanna Duca and Anita Alves Pena https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2023/adrm/CES-WP-23-12.html
New #Census #WorkingPaper "Who’s Most Exposed to International Shocks? Estimating Differences in Import Price Sensitivity across U.S. Demographic Groups" by Colin J. Hottman and Ryan Monarch https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2023/adrm/CES-WP-23-13.html
New #Census #WorkingPaper "The Characteristics and Geographic Distribution of Robot Hubs in U.S. Manufacturing Establishments" by Erik Brynjolfsson, Catherine Buffington, Nathan Goldschlag, J.Frank Li, Javier Miranda, and Robert Seamans https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2023/adrm/CES-WP-23-14.html
New #Census #WorkingPaper "Building the Census Bureau Index of Economic Activity (IDEA)" by Jose Asturias, William R. Bell, Rebecca Hutchinson, Tucker McElroy, and Katherine J. Thompson https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2023/econ/building-the-census-bureau-index-of-economic-activity-workingpaper.html
New #Census #WorkingPaper "National Experimental Wellbeing Statistics" by Adam Bee, Joshua Mitchell, Nikolas Mittag, Jonathan Rothbaum, Carl Sanders, Lawrence Schmidt, and Matthew Unrath
The NEWS project aims to produce the best possible estimates of income and poverty given all available survey and administrative data. https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2023/demo/SEHSD-WP2023-02.html
New #Census #WorkingPaper "Enhancing Race and Ethnicity Information in Medicaid Data: The Role of Census Bureau Data" by Aubrey Limburg, Adam Kurczewski, Victoria Udalova
This paper links Medicaid enrollment data with Decennial Census and ACS data to enhance understanding of racial/ethnic disparities in health. #CensusResearch https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2023/demo/SEHSD-WP2023-05.html
#census #WorkingPaper #censusresearch
New #Census #WorkingPaper "An Annotated Bibliography of Privacy-Violating Attacks and Related Work" by Philip Leclerc and Pavel Zhuravlev
This annotated bibliography is intended to serve as a convenient guide to papers constituting the scientific literature on privacy-violating attacks. #CensusResearch https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2023/adrm/ced-wp-2023-001.html
#census #WorkingPaper #censusresearch
New #Census #WorkingPaper "An Assessment of the June 2020 CPS Fertility Supplement" by Tayelor Valerio
#CensusResearch https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2023/demo/SEHSD-WP2023-04.html
#census #WorkingPaper #censusresearch
New #Census #WorkingPaper "Using administrative records to support the linkage of census data: protocol for building a longitudinal infrastructure of U.S. census records" by J. Trent Alexander & Katie R. Genadek
#census #WorkingPaper #censusresearch