Translator's notes and a link to the revised translation of the Program, Preliminary Address and first three Studies of Proudhon's "Of Justice in the Revolution and in the Church."
#proudhon #workingtranslations #anarchisttheory #anarchisthistory #mutualism
#proudhon #WorkingTranslations #anarchisttheory #anarchisthistory #mutualism
A progress report, as the translation project begins its next phase:
#proudhon #workingtranslations #newproudhonlibrary #mutualism #anarchisttheory #anarchisthistory
#proudhon #WorkingTranslations #NewProudhonLibrary #mutualism #anarchisttheory #anarchisthistory
P.-J. Proudhon, “Demonstration of Socialism, Theoretical and Practical”
Pour servir d'instruction aux souscripteurs et actionnaires de la Banque du Peuple,
#NewProudhonLibrary #ProudhonLibrary #WorkingTranslations #1849 #BankOfThePeople #FrenchEnglish #LePeuple #PierreJosephProudhon
#NewProudhonLibrary #ProudhonLibrary #WorkingTranslations #bankofthepeople #frenchenglish #lepeuple #pierrejosephproudhon
Proudhon before the Court of Assizes (1849)
Citizen jurors, you have heard the accusation; you will evaluate the defense. You will judge the good faith of the first; allow me to begin by expressing gratitude for the devotion of the second. The Advocate General made a mistake just now
#NewProudhonLibrary #ProudhonLibrary #WorkingTranslations #1849 #FrenchEnglish #Mlanges #PierreJosephProudhon
#NewProudhonLibrary #ProudhonLibrary #WorkingTranslations #frenchenglish #mlanges #pierrejosephproudhon
P.-J. Proudhon, “Bank of Exchange”
[Preface, by Darimon]
25 avril 1848.
Le 25 février, les ouvriers sont allés à l'Hôtel-de-Ville, et ils ont dit à M. de Lamartine : Que devons-nous crier?
Criez : Vive la République! a répondu l'illustr
#NewProudhonLibrary #ProudhonLibrary #WorkingTranslations #FrenchEnglish #PierreJosephProudhon #SolutionOfTheSocialProblem
#NewProudhonLibrary #ProudhonLibrary #WorkingTranslations #frenchenglish #pierrejosephproudhon #solutionofthesocialproblem
P.-J. Proudhon, Three Prefaces for “The Celebration of Sunday”
Proudhon's first major work, The Celebration of Sunday, was subject to quite a number of revisions between the first edition in 1839 and what appears to be the fourth edition in 1850. The Preface and notes se
#ProudhonLibrary #WorkingTranslations #FrenchEnglish #PierreJosephProudhon #TheCelebrationOfSunday
#ProudhonLibrary #WorkingTranslations #frenchenglish #pierrejosephproudhon #thecelebrationofsunday
Celebration of Sunday: Annex
Nous n'avions pas manqué, quand nous avons eu à préparer la réédition des premières œuvres de Proudhon, de rechercher s'il était encore possible de lire les manuscrits, les premières éditions, les lettres adressées aux Ministres,
#ProudhonLibrary #WorkingTranslations #FrenchEnglish #PierreJosephProudhon #TheCelebrationOfSunday
#ProudhonLibrary #WorkingTranslations #frenchenglish #pierrejosephproudhon #thecelebrationofsunday
Charles-Auguste Bontemps, “The Libertarian Spirit” (1945)
A libertarian, from whatever discipline he claims to be, defines himself as essentially individualist and non-conformist. The libertarian spirit, according to the views that I propose to lay out, manifests itself in a constant desire for clarity
#WorkingTranslations #1945 #CharlesAugusteBontemps #SocialIndividualism
#WorkingTranslations #charlesaugustebontemps #socialindividualism
P.-J. Proudhon, “What, Finally, is the Republic?”
Written sometime around 1858, since Proudhon cites the recent publication of 1848 : Historical revelations: inscribed to Lord Normanby, which appeared in that year, "Qu’est-ce que enfin que la République?" seems to have
#NewProudhonLibrary #ProudhonLibrary #WorkingTranslations #French/English #manuscriptwritings #Pierre-JosephProudhon
#NewProudhonLibrary #ProudhonLibrary #WorkingTranslations #french #manuscriptwritings #pierre
Fifth study—Education—Parallel English
[These draft translations are part of on ongoing effort to translate both editions of Proudhon’s Justice in the Revolution and in the Church into English, together with some related works, as the first step toward estab
#NewProudhonLibrary #ProudhonLibrary #WorkingTranslations #fifthstudy #JusticeintheRevolutionandintheChurch #Pierre-JosephProudhon
#NewProudhonLibrary #ProudhonLibrary #WorkingTranslations #fifthstudy #JusticeintheRevolutionandintheChurch #pierre
The Three Eras (May 22, 1848)
What does anarchy mean in the streets, if not the absence of informers and armed police? But if, without armed police, without informers, without gendarmes, order reigns in the streets; if no one is robbed there, if no one is murdered there, if no one is insulted there, will the population not h
#AnarchistBeginnings #Featuredarticles #WorkingTranslations #1848 #French/English
#AnarchistBeginnings #Featuredarticles #WorkingTranslations #french
New draft translation: P.-J. Proudhon, “The Right to Work and the Right of Property” (1848) — This is a fascinating text, which is one of the largely unexplored links between the memoirs on property in the early 1840s and works like "Theory of Property."
#workingtranslations #proudhon #anarchisttheory #anarchism #mutualism
#WorkingTranslations #proudhon #anarchisttheory #anarchism #mutualism
There is a lot of revision to do on this text, but I am very pleased to be able to share a draft translation of Proudhon's Third Memoir on Property.
#proudhon #workingtranslations #newproudhonlibrary #propertyistheft #anarchistliterature #anarchism
#proudhon #WorkingTranslations #NewProudhonLibrary #propertyistheft #anarchistliterature #anarchism
I have completed a rough translation of the Foreward, the long chapter on War, the Counterproposal and the Epilogue from Proudhon's completed, but ultimately unpublished 1859 book "How Business is Going in France And Why We Will Have War,
If We Have It: On the New Proposed Agreements Between the Railway Companies and the State." Folks who have read "War and Peace" or are familiar with his writings on political geography and the question of natural boundaries will find parts of the material familiar.
#proudhon #workingtranslations #anarchisttheory #mutualisthistory
#proudhon #WorkingTranslations #anarchisttheory #mutualisthistory
P.-J. Proudhon, “Solution of the Social Problem”
The Republic is the organization by which, all opinions and all activities remaining free, the People, by the very divergence of opinions and will, think and act as a single man. In the Republic, every citizen, by doing what they want and nothing but what they want, participates directly in the
#ProudhonLibrary #WorkingTranslations
#ProudhonLibrary #WorkingTranslations
NEW TRANSLATION: P.-J. Proudhon, "The Miserere" (1845) — an interesting bit of biblical criticism from Proudhon, focused on David's confession after the murder of Uriah.
#proudhon #workingtranslations #anarchistliterature #anarchisthistory
#proudhon #WorkingTranslations #anarchistliterature #anarchisthistory
A draft translation of the First Study in Proudhon's "Justice in the Revolution and in the Church," on "The Position of the Problem of Justice," is now linked on the project page. #anarchism #anarchistheory #proudhon #mutualism #newproudhonlibrary #workingtranslations
#anarchism #anarchistheory #proudhon #mutualism #NewProudhonLibrary #WorkingTranslations
The "Preliminary Address" from Proudhon's "Justice in the Revolution and in the Church" is now available in a draft translation. #anarchism #proudhon #workingtranslations #newproudhonlibrary #anarchisthistory #mutualism
#anarchism #proudhon #WorkingTranslations #NewProudhonLibrary #anarchisthistory #mutualism
Second Study—Persons—Parallel English
[These draft translations are part of on ongoing effort to translate both editions of Proudhon's Justice in the Revolution and in the Church into English, together with some related works, as the first step
#NewProudhonLibrary #ProudhonLibrary #WorkingTranslations #JusticeintheRevolutionandintheChurch #ParallelEnglish #Pierre-JosephProudhon #SecondStudy
#NewProudhonLibrary #ProudhonLibrary #WorkingTranslations #JusticeintheRevolutionandintheChurch #parallelenglish #pierre #secondstudy
"Justice" update: I just finished a first draft of the Second Study. Only ten more to go... plus various odds and ends. 177,225 words in the Drafts file. Step by step. Tomorrow is probably a day to write up some translation philosophy, as things are getting clearer. #workingtranslations #newproudhonlibrary #proudhon #anarchism
#WorkingTranslations #NewProudhonLibrary #proudhon #anarchism