For those who missed it, #WorkingWithOmniFocus crossed 1,000 readers and is now $15.
Thanks for the endorsement, @BobbleheadJoe! Check it out here: #WorkingWithOmniFocus
Off to breakfast. The price on #WorkingWithOmniFocus goes up when I get back. Better hurry!
You folks are awesome. I'm overwhelmed by your kind words and support today. #WorkingWithOmniFocus
Get in on the intro price of #WorkingWithOmniFocus this week. It goes up $5 next Wednesday.
Just a few more details to iron out but launch is on for tomorrow. #WorkingWithOmniFocus
Finished up the formatting. One last round of reviews left. I just need to build the commerce site and launch! #WorkingWithOmniFocus
Four formats for the book enough? Or too much? pdf, epub, mobi, and html. #WorkingWithOmniFocus
Done with writing! Just need to do formatting and prep for launch. #WorkingWithOmniFocus
Editor sent me final edits last night. I'm halfway through them. The writing process will be done by lunch! #WorkingWithOmniFocus
Just finished the 2nd round of edits on the book! Editor wants to look it over once more and then it's all formatting. #WorkingWithOmniFocus
Been a long day. Finished edits on 6 chapters today. Just 4 left. #WorkingWithOmniFocus
Crazy productive morning. 3 chapters of #WorkingWithOmniFocus edited and finished prep work for the @LearnOmniFocus webinar next week.
Its only 7am and I'm already through two more chapters of edits. Eight more to go. #WorkingWithOmniFocus
Working on chapter 4 edits from my editor. Still looks like Nov. 4 for launch. #WorkingWithOmniFocus
First edit done! Taking Sunday and Monday off from the book. Be back on my editors edits on Tuesday. #WorkingWithOmnifocus
I'm on a roll today. 12 and 13 down. Only one chapter left. Working late to finish the first round of edits today. #WorkingWithOmniFocus
Chapters 10 and 11 edited. Only three left before going through my editors edits. #WorkingWithOmniFocus
It's not quite 8am and I've got chapter 10 edited. Good start to the day. #WorkingWithOmniFocus
Just opened up chapter 9 of 14 for editing. My editor is working on the first 8 already. #WorkingWithOmniFocus