Hello and sorry in advance for using English,
We tried to start a #workerStrike for #Assange earlier in the month called, #WorkplaceUncertaintyForAssange. What do you think?
We don't know what an #AssangeWeek is, does it involve #protests and yelling "FreeJournalistAssange" at people sipping cafe lattes and walking their dogs in upper class suburbs?
#workerstrike #assange #WorkplaceUncertaintyForAssange #AssangeWeek #protests
So #Israel and #Budapest are now #JulianAssanging, just like #theWest?
By that we mean abusing and persecuting #journalists.
Partake in the 3-day #workerStrike for #solidarity with these peoples. By calling in sick sometime between 21-24 June. Together we might cause the #economy to shutdown, sending a clear message to those in power.
#israel #budapest #JulianAssanging #theWest #journalists #workerstrike #solidarity #economy #WorkplaceUncertaintyForAssange
It will be #JulianAssange's birthday in one month (3 July).
Help put pressure on govt to #FreeAssange from the clutches of #transnationalPredators and #warmongers by supporting a global #workers' strike, "THREE DAYS OF WORKPLACE UNCERTAINTY FOR ASSANGE" (Jun 21-24).
#protest #strike #solidarity #WorkplaceUncertaintyForAssange
#julianassange #freeassange #transnationalPredators #warmongers #workers #protest #strike #solidarity #WorkplaceUncertaintyForAssange