Nagovor za 2. nacionalno konferenco: Stanje in izzivi na področju Alzheimerjeve bolezni v Sloveniji v luči nove realnosti - na okrogli mizi »Pobuda Alzheimer Europe«: #worldalzheimersday #worldalzheimersmonth #alzheimers #dementia #demenca @NIJZ_pr
#WorldAlzheimersDay #worldalzheimersmonth #Alzheimers #dementia #demenca
It's very clear that when it comes to brain health, you definitely are what you eat!
In honor of #WorldAlzheimersDay, we updated the NeuroNetwork brain health infographic to share our latest research on this subject.
On #WorldAlzheimersDay, let’s put the focus on another #EUfunded research project looking to better understand this disease.
The @mscactions supported PATHAD project has worked on blood tests that could be game changers in diagnosing #Alzheimers:!dGBmT7
#WorldAlzheimersDay #EUfunded #Alzheimers
Is it in our eyes? 👀
Looking deep into the retina could hold a lot of potential for diagnosing & monitoring the progress of neurodegenerative diseases.
That’s the promising avenue this #EUfunded project has been examining 🔎:!cTMM6X
Heute ist der #WeltAlzheimertag.
Aus diesem Anlass könnt ihr hier meine Geschichte "Monsieur A. lässt nicht grüßen" lesen:
#Weltalzheimertag #alzheimer #demenz #WorldAlzheimersDay
Affecting over 50 m people worldwide, Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of #dementia 🧠 – #WorldAlzheimersDay
Researchers have advanced investigations into the genes & pathways that cause this debilitating disease, getting closer to a cure:!HvpcXy