Lift a tankard in celebration after #WorldBackupDay! If your records from the Hyborian Age still survive today, your ancient clerics must have chosen excellent writing material. #cybersecurity
#CyberSecurity #WorldBackupDay
Lift a tankard in celebration after #WorldBackupDay! Do not have meaningless rituals based on unreadable scrolls. Verify that your backups can be restored. #cybersecurity
#CyberSecurity #WorldBackupDay
Lift a tankard in celebration after #WorldBackupDay! If your records from the Hyborian Age still survive today, your ancient clerics must have chosen excellent writing material. #cybersecurity
#CyberSecurity #WorldBackupDay
Lift a tankard in celebration after #WorldBackupDay. Do not have meaningless rituals based on unreadable scrolls. Verify that your backups can be restored. #cybersecurity
#CyberSecurity #WorldBackupDay
Lift a tankard to celebrate #WorldBackupDay! If your records from the Hyborian Age still survive today, your ancient clerics must have chosen excellent writing material. #cybersecurity
#CyberSecurity #WorldBackupDay
Lift a tankard to celebrate #WorldBackupDay! Do not have meaningless rituals based on unreadable scrolls. Verify that your backups can be restored. #cybersecurity
#CyberSecurity #WorldBackupDay
Referenced link:
Originally posted by Backblaze /
It's fair to say we at @backblaze back that backup. 🔥 Celebrate #WorldBackupDay with @YevP, your Backup Steward, with fun info about #PersonalBackup ➡️
#WorldBackupDay #PersonalBackup
Lift a tankard to celebrate #WorldBackupDay! If your records from the Hyborian Age still survive today, your ancient clerics must have chosen excellent writing material. #cybersecurity
#CyberSecurity #WorldBackupDay
Referenced link:
Originally posted by Backblaze /
It's 🎉 #WorldBackupDay! 🎉 Celebrate with @YevP and @backblaze by checking out these 🔥 data points about backing up. ➡️
Referenced link:
Originally posted by Backblaze /
It's #WorldBackupDay! If you still don't have an offsite backup, give #Backblaze Computer Backup a try. There's no risk, and once backed up you'll have access to your data on the web and on the go!
Start Now:
Lift a tankard in celebration after preparing for #WorldBackupDay. Do not have meaningless rituals based on unreadable scrolls. Verify that your backups can be restored. #cybersecurity
#CyberSecurity #WorldBackupDay
💾 Pour le #worldbackupday je vous conseille la règle de @sebsauvage : 3-2-1
💾 3 : Ayez 3 copies de vos données (l'original + 2 copies)
💾 2 : Sur 2 types de supports différents (disques durs, SSD, bande, DVD…)
💾 1 : Au moins une copie hors-site.
Explications et compléments :
💾 Pour le #worldbackupday je vous conseille la règle de @sebsauvage : 3-2-1
> 3 : Ayez 3 copies de vos données (l'original + 2 copies)
> 2 : Sur 2 types de supports différents (disques durs, SSD, bande, DVD…)
> 1 : Au moins une copie hors-site.
Explications et compléments :
💾 Pour le #worldbackupday je vous conseille la règle de @sebsauvage : 3-2-1
> 3 : Ayez 3 copies de vos données (l'original + 2 copies)
> 2 : Sur 2 types de supports différents (disques durs, SSD, bande, DVD…)
> 1 : Au moins une copie hors-site.
Explications et compléments :
rsync für VM's, NAS und Workstations
Täglich wechselnd, wöchentlich u monatlich, in der Regel zu anderen Orten.
Zusätzlich: Bei VM's image snapshot täglich
Komplett restore zum Glück bisher nur einmal bei einer VM via image snapshot des Hosters.
Einen Nextcloud-Sync mehrerer Rechner betrachte ich nicht als backup, deshalb werden die wie oben behandelt.
RT @BSI_Bund
Smartphone gestohlen, Laptop kaputt – wie lange ist das letzte Back-up her? 😅
Eure Daten zu sichern, hilft nicht nur in solchen Situationen, sondern oft auch im Fall eines Ransomware-Angriffs.
👉 Mehr Infos:
#WorldBackupDay #DeutschlandDigitalSicherBSI
"The most unfortunate thing about #backups is that we usually realise we need one when it’s already too late."
On #WorldBackupDay, let's remember to regularly backup our data and to be prepared against data loss and data theft
Nothing says you're invisible quite as much as when your country doesn't even officially acknowledge that this is #TransVisibilityDay.
I mean, they do recognise #WorldBackupDay???
#transvisibilityday #WorldBackupDay
It's that time of year again to make sure your regular backups are actually happening. Or, if you don't make them regularly, make one today!
3 copies of your data (encrypted please)
2 different media
1 copy offsite (at least)
And remember: an untested backup is no backup. Don't just expect it to work if you haven't tested it in a while.
@web #Syncthing ist kostenlos, datenschutzfreundlich und zum absichern der eigenen Daten der Hit!
Nur leider nicht einsteigerfreundlich.
#WorldBackupDay #Datensicherung
#syncthing #WorldBackupDay #datensicherung