Agriculture and nature protection must work hand in hand!
🐝 We were glad to welcome Boštjan Noč, President of Slovenian Beekeeper’s Association, to celebrate #WorldBeeDay.
He praised no evidence of bee die-offs from farming in his country in the past 12 years.
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Agriculture and nature protection must work hand in hand!
🐝 We were glad to welcome Boštjan Noč, President of Slovenian Beekeeper’s Association, to celebrate #WorldBeeDay.
He praised no evidence of bee die-offs from farming in his country in the past 12 years.
Watch more ⬇️
Agriculture and nature protection must work hand in hand!
🐝 We were glad to welcome Boštjan Noč, President of Slovenian Beekeeper’s Association, to celebrate #WorldBeeDay.
He praised no evidence of bee die-offs from farming in his country in the past 12 years.
Watch more ⬇️
Agriculture and nature protection must work hand in hand!
🐝 We were glad to welcome Boštjan Noč, President of Slovenian Beekeeper’s Association, to celebrate #WorldBeeDay.
He praised no evidence of bee die-offs from farming in his country in the past 12 years.
Watch more ⬇️
🐝 "Bees Know No Borders" is the motto of our MEPs’ exhibition to celebrate #WorldBeeDay!
Agriculture & nature protection must work hand in hand.
Our Slovenian 🇸🇮 beekeeper guest praised no evidence of bee die-offs from farming in his country in the past 12 years.
Odličen prispevek bruseljskega dopisnika @RTV_Slovenija @IgorYuric o razstavi 🐝 "Čebele ne poznajo meja" 🐝, ki jo na pobudo @CzsNoc v @europarl_en te dni gostimo z @LjudmilaNovak in @KarloRessler. Vabljeni k ogledu!
@EPPGroup @strankaSLS
S podporo poslanskih kolegov @LjudmilaNovak in @KarloRessler smo sinoči v @europarl_en otvorili razstavo 🐝"Čebele ne poznajo meja" 🐝, ki je pripravljena na pobudo @CzsNoc 🇸🇮 & 🇭🇷 čebelarjev ter poudarja pomen sodelovanja med čebelarji in ohranjanja čebel. @EPPGroup #WorldBeeDay
RT @StepsforLIFE2: En nuestro proyecto cuidamos a los polinizadores y, entre ellos, están las abejas 🐝
Existen más de 20.000 especies de abejas 🐝 en el mundo 🌍
#DíaMundialDeLasAbejas #WorldBeeDay
#DíaMundialDeLasAbejas #WorldBeeDay
RT @IPBES: Bees & other pollinators help maintain our #biodiversity. 🐝🐝
However, they are under threat ⬇️
40% of invertebrate pollinators, particularly bees & butterflies and about 17% of vertebrate pollinators, such as bats, face extinction globally. 🦇🦋
#WorldBeeDay #BeeEngaged
#biodiversity #WorldBeeDay #BeeEngaged
RT @ZuzanaCaputova: Bees 🐝 and other pollinators 🦋🦜🦇🪲🪰🐜 are crucial for biodiversity, healthy ecosystems and sustainable food supply. As part of #ClimateAction, they deserve our protection since it’s mostly human activities that put them in danger. Please bee protective & wise. #WorldBeeDay
My stingless bee population is getting decimated by bulbul bee-eating birds. But these brave souls keep at it #WorldBeeDay
I BEE-lieve I Can Fly...
Clasp on
manuscript (Bonaparte 2920) #WorldBeeDay
🌐🐝Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Μέλισσας
Πάνω από 1 εκατ. Ευρωπαίοι υποστήριξαν μια πρωτοβουλία πολιτών που απαιτεί τη σταδιακή κατάργηση των συνθετικών φυτοφαρμάκων έως το 2035 για την προστασία των μελισσών και των αγροτών.
RT @EUAntiFraud: #WorldBeeDay : Do you know that EU legislation prohibits the addition of any extra ingredients to honey?🍯
@EU_Health, @EUAntiFraud & @EU_ScienceHub conducted a joint action against honey adulteration⤵️