RT @Potteriesgarden: 2 of my favourite pics for #WorldBeeDay2022
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Baroness_Nichol/status/1527732473475506180
I've got one last photo for World Bee Day:
Here we have a tree bumblebee (Bombus hypnorum) approaching a garden cosmos flower.
#worldbeeday #WorldBeeDay2022 #bees #photography
Nooit gedacht dat deze republikein ooit zou hopen dat een volk een koningin zou voort brengen 😉. #WorldBeeDay #WorldBeeDay2022
On this #WorldBeeDay2022 , you have a chance to help reverse the decline of pollinating insects.
#EUHaveYourSay on the 🇪🇺 #EUPollinators Initiative by 9/06: https://europa.eu/!ygynBx
RT @EU_ENV: This #WorldBeeDay, we celebrate the diversity of bees and all pollinators
Yet, many 🐝🦋 species in Europe are on the verge of extinction
The 🇪🇺 #EUPollinators Initiative is our plan to prevent this, and you can help us shape it!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/eudeleg_rome/status/1527559692720955392
#WorldBeeDay2022 #EUHaveYourSay #EUPollinators #WorldBeeDay #EUHav
To #bee or not to be... That's the question 🐝
#bee #science #WorldBeeDay #WorldBeeDay2022
#ObraziEvrope🇪🇺: Spoznaj čebelarko🐝🍯 Lotto iz Švedske, ki s pomočjo Evropske unije širi zavedanje o pomenu opraševalcev🐝🦋 za ohranjanje biotske raznovrstnosti, zdravje ekosistemov in pridelavo hrane 🎥👇🏻
#FacesOfEurope @CzsNoc #svetovnidančebel #WorldBeeDay2022
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_SL/status/1527635257469636611
#ObraziEvrope #FacesofEurope #svetovnidančebel #WorldBeeDay2022
World Bee Day | United Nations https://www.un.org/en/observances/bee-day #worldbeeday #worldbeeday2022
#sustainability #earth #nature
#worldbeeday #WorldBeeDay2022 #sustainability #earth #nature
Here's an excellent article on the (spoiler: dire) situation of non-honey bees, and what can and must be done to save (some of) them:
#WorldBeeDay #WorldBeeDay2022 #Bees #SaveTheBees #NoMowMay #ecology #sustainability
#worldbeeday #WorldBeeDay2022 #bees #savethebees #NoMowMay #ecology #sustainability
Happy World Bee Day everyone!
Don't forget to look after your local bees - they need us more than ever (and vice versa)!
Especially the thousands of species of solitary bees that are not only threatened by pesticides and destruction of suitable habitats, but also have to compete for the few remaining resources with human-farmed honey bees.
#WorldBeeDay #WorldBeeDay2022 #Bees #SaveTheBees #NoMowMay #ecology #sustainability
#worldbeeday #WorldBeeDay2022 #bees #savethebees #NoMowMay #ecology #sustainability
Happy World Bee Day!
#UnofficialDiaryDates #WorldBeeDay2022
#unofficialdiarydates #WorldBeeDay2022
RT @ignaziocorrao: Per le alte temperature molti alveari sono in difficoltà. Per lo stress le api limitano la raccolta del polline,cosa che aggrava una situazione che ha visto nell'ultimo anno un calo della produzione di miele pari a un vaso su tre. Lo denuncia la @coldiretti
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ignaziocorrao/status/1527592675783888896
Per le alte temperature molti alveari sono in difficoltà. Per lo stress le api limitano la raccolta del polline,cosa che aggrava una situazione che ha visto nell'ultimo anno un calo della produzione di miele pari a un vaso su tre. Lo denuncia la @coldiretti
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ignaziocorrao/status/1527589680581120001
RT @Greenpeace_ITA: 🐝Oggi è la #giornatadelleapi, ma c’è da festeggiare? Oltre 12 milioni di #api sono sparite nel nulla per via dei pesticidi usati nell’agricoltura intensiva. #WorldBeeDay2022 https://www.greenpeace.org/italy/storia/16009/nuova-strage-silenziosa-di-api/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=food&utm_content=beeday_200522
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ignaziocorrao/status/1527581448974356480
#giornatadelleapi #API #WorldBeeDay2022
RT @eudeleg_rome: On this #WorldBeeDay2022 , you have a chance to help reverse the decline of pollinating insects.
#EUHaveYourSay on the 🇪🇺 #EUPollinators Initiative by 9/06: https://ec.europa.eu/environment/news/biodiversity-commission-seeks-views-strengthening-actions-reverse-decline-pollinating-insects-2022-03-17_en
#WorldBeeDay2022 #EUHaveYourSay #EUPollinators
RT @ERC_Research: Did you know that today is #WorldBeeDay2022🐝?
ERC grantee @LChittka developed a new technology to track #bees as they move around, to create 3D visualisations of their journeys.
🇪🇺#EUfunded @QMUL #EUBiodiversity #EUPollinators
#WorldBeeDay2022 #bees #EUfunded #EUBiodiversity #EUPollinators
RT @terryandrob@twitter.com
‘Oh, you have to talk to your bees,’ said Miss Level. ‘It’s very bad luck not to. Every beekeeper knows about “Telling the Bees”.’
‘And who do the bees tell?’ asked Tiffany.
Both of Miss Level smiled at her.
‘Other bees, I suppose,’ she said.
#WorldBeeDay2022 🐝
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/terryandrob/status/1527577185984385025
#WorldBeeDay2022 #50YearsOfTerry
RT @terryandrob@twitter.com
‘Oh, you have to talk to your bees,’ said Miss Level. ‘It’s very bad luck not to. Every beekeeper knows about “Telling the Bees”.’
‘And who do the bees tell?’ asked Tiffany.
Both of Miss Level smiled at her.
‘Other bees, I suppose,’ she said.
#WorldBeeDay2022 🐝
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/terryandrob/status/1527577185984385025
#WorldBeeDay2022 #50YearsOfTerry
Did you know that today is #WorldBeeDay2022🐝?
ERC grantee @LChittka developed a new technology to track #bees as they move around, to create 3D visualisations of their journeys.
🇪🇺#EUfunded @QMUL #EUBiodiversity #EUPollinators
RT @HorizonMagEU: Scientists now have 3-D radar tracking to view what a bee sees on foraging flights in order to understand wild pollinators’ needs and how to protect them
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1527543519799169024
#WorldBeeDay2022 #bees #EUfunded #EUBiodiversity #EUPollinators