If you are interested in #WorldBuilding you should read #AtomicRockets by @nyrath :
@nyrath @foone @cstross @michael_w_busch
Enjoying all this #WorldBuilding development
An interesting thought experiment (any person interested in this should also read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silurian_hypothesis and https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.07263, as well as https://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/empiremap.php#wright2).
The question is if a less advanced civilization (i.e.: having not achieved a significant mid-twentieth century technological development) would leave behind any traces easily understandable by any future scholar.
⬆️ Interesting, and I see that the the novel "Accelerando" by @cstross also uses it (and it's available as :cc_cc: :cc_by: :cc_nc_us: :cc_nd: here http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/fiction/accelerando/accelerando-intro.html).
Anyone interested in #WorldBuilding also can read
(the last link from the excellent #AtomicRockets by @nyrath )
Mmmm... Perhaps this is the reason of The Great Filter (computers don't work in hyperspace and if you don't think about recovering slide rules or other analogical means for the needed calculations your civilization gets stucked in your home planet).
Very interesting! A good reason to use the slide rule in universes with temporary problems with computers in your spaceships ⬆️ #WorldBuilding
Interesting... How about a spacefaring civilization without computers? #WorldBuilding ⬆️
Creo que lo que me faltó en el anterior proyecto de #WorldBuilding fue un mensaje. Hice un mapa, me inventé la historia, y llevo unos cinco años puliendo aquí y allá.
Y me gusta cómo está quedando, le tengo mucho cariño a Nalinia.
Pero le falta ese "algo". Quiero que haya un mensaje detrás. Algo que le de profundidad y sentido.
Este es el mapa del que me siento más orgulloso. Llevo años trabajando con él, y es el que utilizo en el juego de rol que estoy escribiendo.
Pero siento que ya le queda poco para considerar que no voy a hacer más. Por eso me planteo empezar un proyecto nuevo, utilizando las cosas que he aprendido con este. No sé si lo podré superar (visualmente y en términos de worldbuilding).
¡Habrá que ver!
#WorldBuilding #juegoderol #mapmaking
Any campaign of any game system deserves a good #WorldBuilding preparation (and yes, it's fun and you can learn a lot of things).
An interesting #WorldBuilding #SciFi #HardSciFi #Idea .
From the linked article in the post below:
“Women are on average smaller than males: women use less oxygen, consume less consumables, produce less carbon dioxide. They have lower mass and take up less volume. The argument for an all-female crew is simple: such a crew would require considerably less support… and allow a smaller spacecraft. This would produce a considerable savings in cost,”
“Statistics show that all-woman groups are far more likely to choose non-confrontational approaches to solve interpersonal problems, and most definitely are more likely to deal with a situation without resorting to violence, which could be a big problem on a Mars journey, where the crew must live in close quarters for 2-3 years,” Landis wrote. “Numerous sociological studies have shown that women, in general, are more cooperative, and less given to hierarchical social structures.”
#WorldBuilding #scifi #hardscifi #idea
An interesting #resource for any person interested in #science and #WorldBuilding
#resource #science #WorldBuilding
Issues about "space weather" seem interesting from a #WorldBuilding viewpoint, I don't think this has been included in any #scifi #rpg
This could be also a good #scifi #worldbuilding #setting for games like #Traveller #rpg ⬆️
#scifi #WorldBuilding #setting #traveller #RPG
Interesting, and the other calculators are very interesting as well for any #scifi #WorldBuilding people