Very pleased to address @EconomistEvents #WorldCancerSeriesEurope.
The public health challenges we face have impacted cancer care across EU.
A well-funded #EUCancerPlan will shape 🇪🇺 cancer policy of tomorrow and change the realities of the disease for patients and families.
#WorldCancerSeriesEurope #EUCancerPlan
RT @CancerLeagues: Commissioner @SKyriakidesEU kicks off #WorldCancerSeriesEurope today in Brussels🇧🇪!
Partnerships + solidarity are the building blocks of #EUCancerPlan 🇪🇺
The EU is working on:
🔹#Cancer Inequalities Registry
🔹Comprehensive #CancerCare Centers Network
🔹 #EUHealthDataSpace
#WorldCancerSeriesEurope #EUCancerPlan #cancer #CancerCare #EuHealthDataSpace
RT @SKyriakidesEU: Very pleased to address @EconomistEvents #WorldCancerSeriesEurope.
The public health challenges we face have impacted cancer care across EU.
A well-funded #EUCancerPlan will shape 🇪🇺 cancer policy of tomorrow and change the realities of the disease for patients and families.
#WorldCancerSeriesEurope #EUCancerPlan
La lucha contra el cáncer debe ir acompañada de soluciones.
Debemos priorizar la prevención, el diagnóstico precoz y el acceso a los mejores tratamientos.
El Plan Europeo lo deja claro: transformación digital, innovación y apoyo a las familias.
RT @JuntsEU: Avui el conseller @toni_comin al #WorldCancerSeriesEurope de @TheEconomist : “Cal enfortir al màxim les polítiques de prevenció. Dedicar més recursos a treballar sobre els hàbits de consum que són factors de risc més rellevants. [….] (1/3)
@EconomistEvents @SKyriakidesEU And since the #EUCancerPlan’s adoption last year, we've launched:
🔸Knowledge Centre on Cancer for research & innovation
🔸EU Network of National Comprehensive Cancer Centres
🔸Cancer Inequalities Registry
🔸New EU cancer screening recommendations
#EUCancerPlan #WorldCancerSeriesEurope
RT @JuntsEU: El conseller @toni_comin participarà demà a la vuitena edició del #WorldCancerSeriesEurope, un fòrum organitzat per @TheEconomist amb l’objectiu d’impulsar la innovació, l’equitat i l’excel·lència en la lluita contra el càncer a Europa.
RT @EconomistEvents: The future of European #cancer control in a time of crisis. Hear from @FitzgeraldFrncs Member of the European Parliament. Last chance to register >>
#cancer #WorldCancerSeriesEurope