Air pollution is a global public health emergency.
Tips for working #TogetherForCleanAir are here:
#WorldCleanAirDay #togetherforcleanair
Am Internationalen Tag gegen Luftverschmutzung verweisen wir auf unsere aktuelle #WerkstattGeschichte 87/2023 "reizende gerüche"; im Thementeil, hg. v. Benjamin Brendel, geht es im Kontext der Geschichte kultureller & sozialer Konstruktion olfaktorischer Wahrnehmungen u.a. auch um #Geruchsbelästigung durch #Luftverschmutzung:
@histodons @historikerinnen
@envhist @envhum @sms @wrtullett
#WorldCleanAirDay #SmellHistory #envhum #envhist #Umweltgeschichte #histodons
#werkstattgeschichte #geruchsbelastigung #luftverschmutzung #WorldCleanAirDay #smellhistory #envhum #envhist #umweltgeschichte #histodons
RT @josattler: Sarajevo in winter often has the most polluted air in the 🌍. That can&must change!
On #WorldCleanAirDay we marked the re-opening of Nedžarići student dormitory - one of 4️⃣0️⃣ public buildings benefiting from 🇪🇺 #energy efficiency project in # Sarajevo. @EBRDinSarajevo @vladaks_
RT @josattler: Sarajevo in winter often has the most polluted air in the 🌍. That can&must change!
On #WorldCleanAirDay we marked the re-opening of Nedžarići student dormitory - one of 4️⃣0️⃣ public buildings benefiting from 🇪🇺 #energy efficiency project in # Sarajevo. @EBRDinSarajevo @vladaks_
RT @UNFCCC: As the globe warms, wildfires and associated air pollution are expected to increase, even under a low emissions scenario - @WMO.
Every fraction of a degree of warming we can prevent counts #WorldCleanAirDay
RT @antonioguterres: Climate change and air pollution are a deadly duo - an interaction that can impose an additional "climate penalty" for hundreds of millions of people.
Together, we can reduce air pollution and keep people and the planet healthy & safe. #WorldCleanAirDay
It’s #WorldCleanAirDay!
Did you know that green roofs & facades, & networks of parks & open spaces can help reduce #airpollution in urban areas?
Find out more about how sustainable urban planning can help us mitigate & adapt to #climatechange.
#WorldCleanAirDay #airpollution #climatechange
RT @LMeredithEU: Today is #WorldCleanAirDay! 🌬
Air quality across 🇺🇦 was the topic of discussion between 🇺🇦 Environment Ministry, CSOs & the #EU this morning.
🇪🇺 is committed to support #Ukraine to move towards a green recovery by meeting EU Air Quality Directive requirements.
#WorldCleanAirDay #EU #Ukraine #EU4Environment
RT @EUPublications: 6/🧵
Science brings evidence that the #BiodiversityCrisis, #ClimateCrisis and #HealthCrisis are interdependent.
How can #NatureBasedSolutions help us to fight them?
by @EU_ENV & @SciCommsUWE.
#biodiversitycrisis #ClimateCrisis #HealthCrisis #naturebasedsolutions #WorldCleanAirDay
How can we continue flying without impacting the planet? Clean Aviation is the EU’s leading research and innovation programme for transforming aviation towards a sustainable, climate-neutral future!
Discover more by @clean_aviation:!gXyYQN
Science brings evidence that the #BiodiversityCrisis, #ClimateCrisis and #HealthCrisis are interdependent.
How can #NatureBasedSolutions help us to fight them?
by @EU_ENV & @SciCommsUWE.
#biodiversitycrisis #ClimateCrisis #HealthCrisis #naturebasedsolutions #WorldCleanAirDay
RT @antonioguterres: Dirty air affects 99% of people on the planet.
And the poor suffer the most.
This #WorldCleanAirDay I call on all countries to work together to combat air pollution.
Danes je #WorldCleanAirDay !
Onesnaženju zraka je težko ubežati. #AirPollution je žal vsesplošni problem.
Z akcijskim načrtom #ZeroPollution želimo zagotoviti, da lahko vsakdo v 🇪🇺 diha čist zrak. #CleanAirEU
Več o aktivnostih EU na:!JtjXF7
#WorldCleanAirDay #AirPollution #ZeroPollution #CleanAirEU
RT @m_parrington: Aerosol optical depth forecast for #WorldCleanAirDay showing a lot of activity from different sources (anthropogenic, fires, dust). #CopernicusAtmosphere operationally monitors & forecasts global #AirPollution & #AirQuality @CopernicusECMWF @ECMWF @CopernicusEU @WMO @UNEP @WHO
#WorldCleanAirDay #CopernicusAtmosphere #AirPollution #AirQuality
RT @EKHA_EU: #AirPollution also affects the kidneys!
➡️Air pollution is associated with a higher risk of #KidneyDisease and related comorbidities.
As we celebrate #WorldCleanAirDay, EKHA calls on the EU to take action to reduce the impact of air pollution on kidney disease and other NCDs.
#AirPollution #kidneydisease #WorldCleanAirDay
RT @antonioguterres: Dirty air affects 99% of people on the planet.
And the poor suffer the most.
This #WorldCleanAirDay I call on all countries to work together to combat air pollution.
Science brings evidence that the #BiodiversityCrisis, #ClimateCrisis and #HealthCrisis are interdependent.
How can #NatureBasedSolutions help us to fight them?
by @EU_ENV & @SciCommsUWE.
#biodiversitycrisis #ClimateCrisis #HealthCrisis #naturebasedsolutions #WorldCleanAirDay
RT @defis_eu: #EUSpace 🇪🇺🛰️ contributes to ensuring #CleanAir, thanks to
📍reduced emissions due to improved positioning from #Galileo
📲continuous #AirQuality monitoring & forecasting by #Copernicus
The EU Space programme contributes to a #HealthyAirHealthyPlanet
#EUSpace #CleanAir #Galileo #AirQuality #Copernicus #HealthyAirHealthyPlanet #WorldCleanAirDay
RT @EU_ENV: No matter where you live, #AirPollution is hard to escape
With our #ZeroPollution Action Plan, we want to make sure that everyone in 🇪🇺 can breathe #CleanAirEU
On this #WorldCleanAirDay, discover more about our actions and policies to #BeatAirPollution:
#AirPollution #ZeroPollution #CleanAirEU #WorldCleanAirDay #BeatAirPollution
European Air Quality legislation protects the #AirWeShare to a good degree, but there are some gaps.
@EU_ScienceHub’s technical report ‘Air pollutants of emerging concern’ highlights four pollutants:!kNvPTK #WorldCleanAirDay