Yesterday I published a #wikipedia article on the #novaeterraefoundation (aka #novaeterrae or #fondazionenovaeterrae). A gripping tale of #corruption, #moneylaundering, and the #farright with guest appearances by #stevebannon, the #vatican, and the #worldcongressoffamilies.
A quick rundown of the bastards, they funneled approximately 2.4 million euros from the #russian and #azerbaijan governments into far-right campaigns around the globe, mostly focusing on the opposition of #abortion, #trans, and #lgbt rights. They funded
#DignitatisHumanae, who rose Steve Bannon to power, and have been repeated members and financers of the World Congress of Families. Not to mention, they naturally sent money to the #vatican to help sanitize the reputation of Azerbaijan president #ilhamaliyev, and some to Novae Terrae's founder Luca Volontè, to cover up criticism of the Azeri government's human rights abuses.
One thing reporters who broke the story made clear was that this is a rare snapshot into the world of governments funding the far-right. We just happened to get to pick it apart years later this time, but billions are circulated for these causes constantly.
I had some other articles in my backlog, but I'd collected all the sources for this one so decided to just bite the bullet and write the article. For those interested, the article on the family education trust is coming soon!
#wikipedia #novaeterraefoundation #novaeterrae #fondazionenovaeterrae #corruption #moneylaundering #farright #stevebannon #vatican #WorldCongressOfFamilies #russian #azerbaijan #abortion #trans #lgbt #dignitatishumanae #ilhamaliyev
Aus #Monitor, Sendung vom 28.07.2022:
#Putin und #Kyrill: Glaubenskrieger gegen das Böse
Sie sind eng verbunden: #WladimirPutin und der #PatriarchKyrill, der mächtigste Mann der #RussischOrthodoxen #Kirche. Öffentlich erklärt Kyrill den völkerrechtswidrigen Angriff zu einem #Krieg gegen die #liberalen #Werte des #Westens. Eine #Ideologie, die #Präsident und #Patriarch gemeinsam entwickelt haben. Für deren Verbreitung haben sie ein #Netzwerk gespannt, das längst #international agiert - und paktieren dabei mit #ultrakonservativen #evangelikalen #Hardlinern in den #USA und #erzkonservativen Kreisen auch in #Deutschland.
#Russland #Ungarn #ViktorOrban #GloriaVonThurnUndTaxis #WorldCongressOfFamilies
#monitor #putin #kyrill #WladimirPutin #PatriarchKyrill #RussischOrthodox #kirche #krieg #liberal #werte #Westen #ideologie #präsident #patriarch #netzwerk #international #ultrakonservativ #evangelikal #Hardliner #usa #erzkonservativ #deutschland #russland #Ungarn #viktororban #GloriaVonThurnUndTaxis #WorldCongressOfFamilies