📍Today's #EPlenary debate - around 18:00 CET
Prevention, management & better care of diabetes in the EU on the occasion of #WorldDiabetesDay - with Commissioner @SKyriakidesEU
🎥Watch live:
📃Resolution to be voted Wednesday:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EP_Environment/status/1594722412037550080
Better care of diabetes in the EU.
To mark #WorldDiabetesDay, MEPs will discuss with Commissioner @SKyriakidesEU how to improve prevention and management of the condition. A resolution will be put to a vote on Wednesday.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EuroParlPress/status/1594675269188681728
Sesja plenarna w Strasburgu, a na niej m. in.:
- Rosja- państwo sponsorujące terroryzm
- Cukrzyca w UE: profilaktyka, leczenie i lepsza opieka #WorldDiabetesDay
- Eliminacja przemocy wobec kobiet
- Represje wobec opozycji demokratycznej na Białorusi
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/j_wisniewska/status/1594682004083204097
Diabetes can affect everyone, irrespective of background, age and gender.
Today one in ten adults in 🇪🇺 have diabetes.
The @EU_Commission is already working on actions to better prevent, detect and treat diabetes, in a more comprehensive way.
#WorldDiabetesDay #HealthUnion
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SKyriakidesEU/status/1591754064546902016
#WorldDiabetesDay #HealthUnion
RT @IDFEuropeBXL: On the occasion of #WorldDiabetesDay, MEP @istvan_ujhelyi shares how we can reduce the burden of #diabetes for both individuals as well as #healthcare systems. We need a new #DiabetesResolution now! ⏰
Watch his full statement here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5BJ80ZNPhg&feature=youtu.be
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/istvan_ujhelyi/status/1592513106030514176
#WorldDiabetesDay #Diabetes #healthcare #DiabetesResolution
RT @ColiveVoice@twitter.com
🔊Today is #WorldDiabetesDay
We invited @Diab_Aide@twitter.com to participate in 🗣️Colive Voice and give us their feedback!
Diab'Aide was formed by👭2 women living with type 1 diabetes.👏They raise awareness about #diabetes in a fun way.
📺Discover what they think of our project 👇 https://t.co/KHBfHpJO8d
RT @Nutrients_MDPI@twitter.com
#WorldDiabetesDay Recommend papers!
http://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/13/6/2123 https://t.co/AxTwf1UPjO
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Nutrients_MDPI/status/1592052417138679808
RT @IDFEuropeBXL: We’re ready to start our breakfast symposium for #WorldDiabetesDay at the @europarl_en! We’re mobilising political support for a new #DiabetesResolution, to improve the lives of the >32M people living with #diabetes in the #EU.
➡️ Read more: https://t.co/TYOl92o8em
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/spietikainen/status/1592418178772369409
#WorldDiabetesDay #DiabetesResolution #Diabetes #EU
Here are the latest trending hashtags on mastodon.social:
#mondog #Fotomontag #Photomonday #닉네임_유래 #mondaymotivation #KatieHobbs #silentsunday #WorldDiabetesDay #buergergeld #VickyPhelan
RT @LIH_Luxembourg@twitter.com
On #WorldDiabetesDay, take a look at an important message from @Diab_Aide@twitter.com who took part in the LIH project, @ColiveVoice@twitter.com 🗣️
👇 https://twitter.com/ColiveVoice/status/1592132741923045378
S sladkorno boleznijo se v EU spopada vsak 10. odrasel Evropejec.🤔#WorldDiabetesDay
S pobudo 🇪🇺 #HealthierTogether združujemo moči za zmanjšanje bremena pogostih nenalezljivih bolezni, kot je sladkorna bolezen, ter izboljšanje zdravja in počutja ljudi: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/sl/statement_22_6764
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EKvSloveniji/status/1592148830270947329
#WorldDiabetesDay #HealthierTogether
Hyvää maailman #diabetes päivää! Diabetes on monisyinen sairaus, joka ilmenee erilaisissa muodoissa. Se on yhteydessä myös moniin muihin ei-tarttuviin sairauksiin. Diabetesta sairastavien määrä kasvaa EU:ssa nopeasti.
Lisää ajatuksiani: https://www.facebook.com/MEPsirpapietikainen/posts/pfbid09588RQ6AsSovJuEgT3JheZUo2udFRGsP8UxTDGsgX6JJwiCw6qTGiawV2yUfM58bl
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/spietikainen/status/1592180136518221825
RT @EP_ThinkTank: Almost one in two (240m) adults living with #diabetes are undiagnosed
Their life expectancy is likely to be reduced as a result of their condition
#WorldDiabetesDay @MEPsDiab @spietikainen @SchaldemoseMEP @WDD @WHO
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/spietikainen/status/1592163461592715269
"We know that diabetes has a significant impact on daily life for so many. This must change." @SKyriakidesEU
Read her statement on the occasion of the #WorldDiabetesDay
RT @SKyriakidesEU: Diabetes can affect everyone, irrespective of background, age and gender.
Today one in ten adults in 🇪🇺 have diabetes.
The @EU_Commission is already working on actions to better prevent, detect and treat …
#WorldDiabetesDay #HealthUnion
Danas je #WorldDiabetesDay🩸
Istraživanja se nastavljaju se u okviru #Horizon2020., sa širokim opsegom koji ima za cilj prevesti novo znanje u inovativne primjene. Više ➡ https://europa.eu/!TB6T9F
Izjava 🇪🇺 @SKyriakidesEU ➡ https://europa.eu/!KNTbRQ
#HealthUnion #HealthierTogether
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1592192070936334337
#WorldDiabetesDay #Horizon2020 #HealthUnion #HealthierTogether
RT @HorizonEU: ➡️Our modern high-calorie & low-activity lifestyle is wreaking havoc on our bodies.
💡The #EUfunded #NutrientSensingVivo project provides a better understanding of how the availability of food changes our metabolism! 🧬
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUScienceInnov/status/1592091866543128577
#EUfunded #NutrientSensingVivo #WorldDiabetesDay #EU4Health
The Living With Diabetes Campaign launches today!
Read about the innovations surrounding remission, education, diagnosis of diabetes and much more at bit.ly/3sKB8jD
#LivingWithDiabetesCampaign #WorldDiabetesDay
On this #WorldDiabetesDay, a reminder that more that one million Americans have to ration life-saving insulin because they can't afford it and we do healthcare wrong. @HHS_ASPE@twitter.com