RT @LIFEprogramme: Peaceful. Beautiful. Enchanting.
Blue. An immense blue.
For more waves. For more sea life. For the 🌎 and its ecosystems.
The #LIFEprogramme has #OurOcean in its 💙and together, we'll 𝘄𝗮𝘃𝗲 goodbye to #marinelitter.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/euenergyweek/status/1575738554440785922
#LIFEprogramme #OurOcean #marinelitter #WorldMaritimeDay
9月29日は国連の国際海事機関(IMO)が制定した「#世界海事デー」。海運業の #温室効果ガス 排出は、2050年までに130%増加するとされ、対策なしでは気候中立は達成できない。
#EU は、EU排出権取引制度への組み込みや低炭素燃料の促進などを提案、海運のグリーン化に取り組んでいる #WorldMaritimeDay
RT @EUClimateAction: Shipping emissions are projected to increase by up to 130% by 2050.
To become climate neutral, we need greener shipping.
From extending #EUETS to 🚢transport to boosting low-carbon fuels, the 🇪🇺 has made proposals to make this happen: https://climate.ec…
#世界海事デー #温室効果ガス #EU #WorldMaritimeDay #EUETS
RT @LIFEprogramme: Peaceful. Beautiful. Enchanting.
Blue. An immense blue.
For more waves. For more sea life. For the 🌎 and its ecosystems.
The #LIFEprogramme has #OurOcean in its 💙and together, we'll 𝘄𝗮𝘃𝗲 goodbye to #marinelitter.
#LIFEprogramme #OurOcean #marinelitter #WorldMaritimeDay
RT @LIFEprogramme: Peaceful. Beautiful. Enchanting.
Blue. An immense blue.
For more waves. For more sea life. For the 🌎 and its ecosystems.
The #LIFEprogramme has #OurOcean in its 💙and together, we'll 𝘄𝗮𝘃𝗲 goodbye to #marinelitter.
#LIFEprogramme #OurOcean #marinelitter #WorldMaritimeDay
RT @Transport_EU: Happy #WorldMaritimeDay !🥳
🧐Want to know more about what 🇪🇺 is doing to make shipping 🚢cleaner, greener, safer & more socially responsible?
Watch our 🆕 video🔽
📺 https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-220967
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1575776747143933953
RT @EP_ThinkTank: As #WorldMaritimeDay focuses on new tech for greener shipping, we look at progress on legislation on sustainable maritime fuels under the EU #Fitfor55 package
@EP_Transport @KarimaDelli @jorgenwarborn @Vera_Tax @elsikatainen @juttapaulusrlp @mcampomenosi
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1575776321715609601
Peaceful. Beautiful. Enchanting.
Blue. An immense blue.
For more waves. For more sea life. For the 🌎 and its ecosystems.
The #LIFEprogramme has #OurOcean in its 💙and together, we'll 𝘄𝗮𝘃𝗲 goodbye to #marinelitter.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/LIFEprogramme/status/1575735163304103937
#LIFEprogramme #OurOcean #marinelitter #WorldMaritimeDay
Heute ist #WorldMaritimeDay #Weltschifffahrtstag!
Schifffahrt 🚢 ist für 3% der globalen Treibhausgas|#Emissionen verantwortlich, Tendenz ⬆️, es gibt bislang keine verbindlichen Abkommen zur Dekarbonisierung.
Im Rahmen des #GreenDeal arbeitet #EU an mehreren Vorhaben:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JuttaPaulusRLP/status/1575448785915990016
#WorldMaritimeDay #Weltschifffahrtstag #Emissionen #GreenDeal #EU
RT @EUdelegationUK: #EUBeachCleanup 2022 - on #WorldMaritimeDay our colleagues are collecting litter along the River Thames!
Every year in September the EU organises the global #EUBeachCleanup campaign to raise awareness of how litter is polluting our rivers, seas and oceans.
#EUBeachCleanup #WorldMaritimeDay
⚓️ Dziś obchodzimy Światowy Dzień Morza (#WorldMaritimeDay) ⚓️.
Ustanowiony przez Międzynarodową Organizację Morską (International Maritime Organization - #IMO).
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/jbrudzinski/status/1575363870322982914
RT @CopernicusECMWF: #Climatechange has a significant impact on marine ecosystem and the services like fisheries, aquaculture, & coastal tourism.
Watch the video to learn how #CopenicusClimate supports the coastal areas.
Discover our projects & showcases: https://climate.copernicus.eu/coastal-areas
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1575472702760132609
#ClimateChange #CopenicusClimate #WorldMaritimeDay
RT @CopernicusECMWF: #Climatechange driven by human activities is changing the ocean composition.
Oxygen levels are dropping, while huge amounts of CO2 are getting into the waters, which can greatly reduce fish stocks
Learn about how #C3S supports fisheries: https://stories.ecmwf.int/preserving-greek-marine-wildlife-under-a-changing-climate/index.html
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1575403027418210304
#ClimateChange #C3S #WorldMaritimeDay
RT @EUClimateAction: Shipping emissions are projected to increase by up to 130% by 2050.
To become climate neutral, we need greener shipping.
From extending #EUETS to 🚢transport to boosting low-carbon fuels, the 🇪🇺 has made proposals to make this happen: https://climate.ec.europa.eu/eu-action/transport-emissions/reducing-emissions-shipping-sector_en
🚢 transport is not only a source of greenhouse gas emissions, but also a major source of noise & #AirPollution, harming the marine biodiversity and our health
Our 🇪🇺 #ZeroPollution Action Plan will help green the shipping sector, #ForNature and for all of us
RT @EU_MARE: While maritime transport 🚢 plays an essential role in the EU economy & is one of the most energy-efficient modes of transport, it is also responsibl…
#AirPollution #ZeroPollution #ForNature #WorldMaritimeDay
It’s #WorldMaritimeDay! This year’s focus is on new technologies for greener shipping. ♻️🚢
Studies have shown #LowCarbon fuels can help to power 🇪🇺’s bulk cargo-carrying ships, but policy measures are needed to foster and accelerate the change.
El transporte marítimo depende casi exclusivamente de los combustibles fósiles. Los combustibles más sostenibles son clave para lograr los objetivos climáticos de la UE y reducir las emisiones de CO2.
Países 🇪🇺 acordaron nuevas reglas del transporte marítimo. ⬇️#WorldMaritimeDay
RT @EUCouncil: Today shipping relies almost exclusively on fossil fuels. More sustainable fuels are key to achieving the EU’s climate goals and cutting CO…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1575536161983963144
RT @EUClimateAction: Shipping emissions are projected to increase by up to 130% by 2050.
To become climate neutral, we need greener shipping.
From extending #EUETS to 🚢transport to boosting low-carbon fuels, the 🇪🇺 has made proposals to make this happen: https://climate.ec.europa.eu/eu-action/transport-emissions/reducing-emissions-shipping-sector_en
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUClimateAction/status/1575524617996816391
RT @EU_MARE: While maritime transport 🚢 plays an essential role in the EU economy & is one of the most energy-efficient modes of transport, it is also responsible for ≈2.9% of 🌎 emissions
On #WorldMaritimeDay discover how #EUFunds support solutions to decarbonise the shipping sector
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUClimateAction/status/1575506686676463617
#WorldMaritimeDay #EUFunds #EMFF
RT @PolicyTRAN: This #WorldMaritimeDay is dedicated to new technologies for greener #shipping. Check our study on "The aviation and #maritime sectors & the EU ETS: challenges and impacts" with lots of useful information about the future of shipping: https://research4committees.blog/2021/10/25/the-aviation-and-maritime-sectors-and-the-eu-ets-challenges-and-impacts-study/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1575513607223156736
#WorldMaritimeDay #shipping #maritime #Research4Committees
On this #WorldMaritimeDay take a moment to acknowledge seafarers for all they do!
RT @UN: Shipping enhances economies & increases employment.
On Thursday's #WorldMaritimeDay, join us in recognizing seafarers' key role securing vital global supply chains & transporting over 80% of world trade in these challenging times. https://t.co/K0kOYmkuvS