#QuizOfTheDay: Identify this British medical doctor, born and worked in India, who received the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1902 for his work on the transmission of malaria - becoming the first British Nobel laureate. #WorldMosquitoDay
A. Ronald Ross
B. Robert Koch
C. Edward Jenner
D. Louis Pasteur
#WorldMosquitoDay #quizoftheday
How do we know which of the species is not native to our continent?
We have published a handy tool to identify mosquitos for those who participate in the invasive mosquito species' surveillance.
Click and take a look: https://bit.ly/ECDCMosquitoBook
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/ECDC_EU/status/1561678580295278593
The asian tiger mosquito, the yellow fever mosquito and the asian bush mosquito spread potentially lethal infectious diseases like dengue, chikungunya & zika, and are responsible for a number of outbreaks of infections unseen previously in the EU/EEA.
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/ECDC_EU/status/1561678575815872512
#DYK that there are three invasive mosquito species, that have colonised various regions of Europe, getting as far north as Germany?
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/ECDC_EU/status/1561678570925195265
RT @ECDC_EU: #DYK that there are three invasive mosquito species, that have colonised various regions of Europe, getting as far north as Germany?
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/EMA_News/status/1561698239253987328
RT @WHO: Today is #WorldMosquitoDay!
Mosquitoes are the most dangerous animals in the πππ as they can transmit diseases such as:
πΈ Malaria
πΈ Dengue
πΈ Filariasis
πΈ Chikungunya
πΈ Zika
πΈ Yellow fever
π¦ borne diseases put the lives of billions at risk.
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/inge_graessle/status/1560882491329765376