🦎🌱#WorldNatureConservationDay serves as a reminder of the importance of conserving our planet's natural resources.
If you want to know more & practise your #interpreting skills, have a look at our #SpeechRep 's climate, environment and sustainable development sections ⬇️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUInterpreters/status/1684914219727101953
#WorldNatureConservationDay #interpreting #SpeechRep
It is #WorldNatureConservationDay that aims to spread awareness on the protection of nature and biodiversity🌍 An EU-funded project used citizen science to build a new framework for boosting biodiversity research. Discover the research: https://europa.eu/!tKwy4H
@idiv | @mscactions
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CORDIS_EU/status/1684813455004749825
🌍Happy #WorldNatureConservationDay! 🌿
Let's celebrate the EU's impactful policies like the #EUGreenDeal, Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, Farm to Fork Strategy, Natura 2000 Network, and EU Emissions Trading System.
Together, we're protecting our planet for future generations!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECRepMalta/status/1684836134487207936
#WorldNatureConservationDay #EUGreenDeal
It's #WorldNatureConservationDay 🌿 An advocacy toolkit for nature is crucial more than ever! Biodiversity loss threatens our life, impacting water quality, air and climate. Let's protect Earth's ecosystems & unlock sustainable solutions for climate change https://europa.eu/!fbfGFq
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUPublications/status/1684805938619043840
RT Virginijus Sinkevičius
The #WorldNatureConservationDay reminds us of what matters most.
From the smallest dragonfly, to large wetlands they all create the conditions we need to thrive.
With alarmingly rising temperatures, we must restore & protect Nature now to slow down this dangerous process.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/VSinkevicius/status/1684877124250062848
Wie gehen #CASH und #Klima zusammen? Auf der #rp23 haben wir diskutiert, wie Unternehmen für Umweltverschmutzung rechtlich zur Verantwortung gezogen werden können. Das ganze Video mit Laura Duarte Reyes, Parid Ridwanuddin & Barbara Hermann gibt's hier ➡️ https://youtu.be/bT24yHhcMZ8 #WorldNatureConservationDay #SustainableFriday
#cash #Klima #rp23 #WorldNatureConservationDay #sustainablefriday
On #WorldNatureConservationDay, let’s take a moment to reflect on the future of our planet.
Europe’s nature is in decline. Restoring wetlands, rivers, forests, grasslands, marine ecosystems, and the species they host is crucial.
It will help:
🔹increase biodiversity,
🔹secure cleaning of our water and air, pollinating crops, and protecting us from floods,
🔹limit global warming to 1.5°C,
🔹build up Europe’s resilience and strategic autonomy.
This is the future nature and humanity deserve.
RT @EU_Commission: It's #WorldNatureConservationDay!
We need your help to achieve our target 🎯↪️ #3BillionTrees 🌳 by 2030.
How? Plant a tree that meets the eligibility criteria and register it on our #MapMyTree web app ➡️ https://mapmytree.eea.europa.eu/#/
#WorldNatureConservationDay #3BillionTrees #MapMyTree
RT @EU_Commission: It's #WorldNatureConservationDay!
We need your help to achieve our target 🎯↪️ #3BillionTrees 🌳 by 2030.
How? Plant a tree that meets the eligibility criteria and register it on our #MapMyTree web app ➡️ https://mapmytree.eea.europa.eu/#/
#WorldNatureConservationDay #3BillionTrees #MapMyTree
RT @LIFEprogramme: There's no other option. 🌏
Don't let Mother Nature become a "Once Upon a Time" story.
It's our home, our sacred place, our shelter. Let's nurture it.
Together and through our #LIFEprojects, we will make nature blossom again!🌲🐝
#LIFEprojects #WorldNatureConservationDay #ForNature
RT @EK_Hrvatska: Danas obilježavamo #WorldNatureConservationDay! 🌍🐻
Cilj projekta @DinalpBear je upravljanje i zaštita populacije smeđih medvjeda u sjevernim Dinaridima i Alpama te poticanja suživota između čovjeka i medvjeda na tim područjima. #LIFE #LIFEprogramme
➡ https://dinalpbear.eu/home/?fbclid=IwAR3L5PaGw4KJnbvPxFZM_rmij8WcJJRtqTNeooG6Ax-jW5-82JNQsmqe0FA
#WorldNatureConservationDay #LIFE #LIFEprogramme
RT @CopernicusEU: Contribute to #WorldNatureConservationDay to make the world greener❗️
#Copernicus 🇪🇺🛰️provides #OpenData for global monitoring of ecosystems and natural resources🌍
⬇️#Sentinel2 image of #Antarctica 🇦🇶, where many habitats are threatened by #ClimateChange
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1552807343443873792
#WorldNatureConservationDay #Copernicus #opendata #Sentinel2 #Antarctica #ClimateChange
RT @CopernicusEU: Contribute to #WorldNatureConservationDay to make the world greener❗️
#Copernicus 🇪🇺🛰️provides #OpenData for global monitoring of ecosystems and natural resources🌍
⬇️#Sentinel2 image of the Okavango Delta, an oasis in #Botswana🇧🇼 & a haven for hundreds of endangered species🐦
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1552731995645657094
#WorldNatureConservationDay #Copernicus #opendata #Sentinel2 #botswana
La Estrategia Forestal de la UE 🇪🇺 pretende mejorar su cantidad y calidad, además de contribuir al logro de los objetivos de biodiversidad de la UE para 2030.
#EUGreenDeal #WorldNatureConservationDay #TeamEurope #EquipoEuropa #ConservaciónDeLaNaturaleza
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1552721193089785859
#EUGreenDeal #WorldNatureConservationDay #TeamEurope #EquipoEuropa #ConservaciónDeLaNaturaleza
🍃 Natura 2000 es la mayor red de áreas protegidas del mundo, un refugio para especies amenazadas.
💚 Estamos intensificando nuestra acción con la estrategia #EUBiodiversity
Más con #EUDataCrunch⬇️
RT @EU_Commission: 🍃 Natura 2000 is the largest network of protected areas globally, a haven for threatened …
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1552716955529912322
#EUBiodiversity #EUDataCrunch #WorldNatureConservationDay #ConservaciónDeLaNaturaleza
¡Es el Día Mundial de la Conservación de la Naturaleza!
Necesitamos tu ayuda para lograr nuestro objetivo de #3BillonesDeÁrboles🌳 para 2030.
¿Cómo? Planta un árbol y regístralo en #MapMyTree
➡️ http://mapmytree.eea.europa.eu/#/
RT @EU_Commission: It's #WorldNatureConservationDay!
We need your help to achieve our target 🎯↪️ #3BillionTrees 🌳 by 2030.
How? Plant a tree that meets the eligibility cri…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1552715514698514432
#3BillonesDeÁrboles #MapMyTree #WorldNatureConservationDay #3BillionTrees
RT @CORDIS_EU: Healthy soils benefit:
🥕 food
👥 people
🌱 nature
🌞 the climate
Basically: our life on Earth depends on them.
Our #ResultsPack highlights 14 #EUfunded projects seeding real efforts in soil protection: https://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/429351-soil-health-reaping-the-benefits-of-healthy-soils-for-food-people-nature-and-the-climate?pk_campaign=RP&pk_source=CORDIS&pk_medium=TW
#ResultsPack #EUfunded #WorldNatureConservationDay
RT @LIFEprogramme: There's no other option. 🌏
Don't let Mother Nature become a "Once Upon a Time" story.
It's our home, our sacred place, our shelter. Let's nurture it.
Together and through our #LIFEprojects, we will make nature blossom again!🌲🐝
#LIFEprojects #WorldNatureConservationDay #ForNature
RT @CORDIS_EU: We all have the Earth in common, so we have a duty to protect it! 🌍 – #WorldNatureConservationDay
Our #biodiversity is threatened by human intrusion and climate change.
How does EU research contribute to preserving it? Find out on #CORDIScovery: https://anchor.fm/cordiscovery/episodes/Biodiversity-epsjl4
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EULawDataPubs/status/1552653692897087491
#WorldNatureConservationDay #biodiversity #CORDIScovery
Нашият дом 🌍 е и техен дом. 🐝🌳🐻
В днешния #WorldNatureConservationDay напомняме, че да се грижим за опазването и възстановяването на природата е задължение на всички нас.
Повече за Стратегията на ЕС 🇪🇺 за биологичното разнообразие 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ECinBulgaria/status/1552617698537848832
#WorldNatureConservationDay #EUGreenDeal