RT @AfricaEuropeFdn: 🔊We are happy to announce the call for applications for the 2023 New Partnerships Initiative!
🌊Are you a youth-led organization from Africa or Europe focusing on youth grassroot projects addressing Ocean Governance & Blue Economy?
👂🏼We want to hear from you!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_MARE/status/1668515319361486851
For #WorldOceanDay - a recommendation:
I've been reading this book by @al_humphreys with my kids and it's not only a pretty engaging read, by turns funny, informative, serious and gripping, it also deals very sensibly with the massive issues facing the ocean, though with a light touch.
Pollution, plastics, overfishing, marine biology are all covered but never preachily*.
Highly recommended to introduce some difficult issues to 8 year olds +
#girlwhorowedtheocean #ocean #WorldOceanDay
Photo of Turtle ‘Flipping the Bird’ Wins Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Photo by Mark Fitzpatrick
It’s #WorldOceanDay 🌊
🎧Tune into #WhoRulesTheWorld: the Power of the Ocean💦
An @EUYouthDelegate podcast with 🇺🇳 #PGAFellows 🇼🇸Gerard Tuii Anapu and 🇷🇼Nathalie Gasaro
Full episode🔊 https://open.spotify.com/episode/5sTMt1331Z1xDNTr0AVitA
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1666954582604251138
#WorldOceanDay #WhoRulesTheWorld #PGAFellows
🌊We will not solve the global #ClimateCrisis without protecting oceans.
Today, on #WorldOceanDay, discover how we work hand in hand with our partners to support a sustainable #BlueEconomy for a more #ResilientFuture.
#ClimateCrisis #WorldOceanDay #BlueEconomy #ResilientFuture
Proteger nuestros 🌊 #océanos es nuestra responsabilidad compartida.
Junto a @sergioizquierdo trabajamos en un proyecto para concienciar sobre la contaminación por plásticos y la conservación de los océanos.
Actuemos #PorNuestroPlaneta🌎
#DíaMundialDeLosOcéanos #WorldOceanDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1666867752085123073
#océanos #PorNuestroPlaneta #DíaMundialdelosOcéanos #WorldOceanDay
And as today is #WorldOceanDay, we're delighted to be joined by Thomas Lesage, Virginie Lafon and @craigdonlon
They're talking about how Copernicus' data has become essential in safeguarding and protecting #OurOcean 🌊
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1666729218196078592
#WorldOceanDay #OurOcean #Copernicus25
🐟Zum heutigen #WorldOceanDay möchte ich uns alle daran erinnern, den Schutz der Meere auch im Alltag zu unterstützen!
Einige Tipps bekommt ihr hier vom @NABU_de
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ViolavonCramon/status/1666824015351287808
🌊On #WorldOceanDay, we recall our commitment to ocean conservation.🐟Today the EU ratified the @WTO agreement against harmful fisheries subsidies. Let’s work to conserve 30% of oceans through protected areas by 2030 & deliver on the Treaty to #BeatPlasticPollution in the oceans!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1666840227833430016
#WorldOceanDay #BeatPlasticPollution
Lovely to give a World Ocean Day talk at the Cheltenham Science Festival about Blue Machine. #Ocean #WorldOceanDay #science
#science #WorldOceanDay #ocean
🌊🐠 Los océanos son una fuente indispensable de riqueza natural y económica para Europa. Hoy, en el #DíaMundialDeLosOcéanos, te contamos cómo contribuye la Unión Europea a protegerlos.
#WorldOceanDay @EU_MARE
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ComisionEuropea/status/1666731412861353984
#DíaMundialdelosOcéanos #WorldOceanDay
Happy #WorldOceanDay everyone. Reminder that one world government is NOT the way to save the ocean. Maybe the best way to save the ocean is to live on it. Seasteads are actually Eco-restorative. They increase life in the ocean and absorb all of the acids in the water. Contrary to popular belief, free-markets and environmentalism go hand-in-hand.
In honor of #WorldOceanDay, we’re highlighting some of our most exciting research and commentary on #MarineBiology and #ocean research. This study shows how warming oceans reduce the carbon sink potential of kelp https://plos.io/3QnzBJY
#ocean #marinebiology #WorldOceanDay
It's #WorldOceanDay! Did you know that EU countries backed a proposal to restrict intentionally added #microplastics? We prepared the proposal at @EU_Commission's request. It's now under scrutiny by @EUparliament and @EUCouncil.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ECHA/status/1666731946729144323
🐳🦑 On #WorldOceanDay let's celebrate the 🇪🇺 projects finding innovative ways to restore and protect #OurOcean 🌊🐠
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUScienceInnov/status/1666747187248738304
In honor of #WorldOceanDay, we’re highlighting some of our most exciting research and commentary on #MarineBiology and #ocean research. This Perspective highlights the important skills (e.g. diving, sailing) non-research scientists can bring to expeditions https://plos.io/3gakPde
#ocean #marinebiology #WorldOceanDay
🌊🐠 Els oceans són una font indispensable de riquesa natural i econòmica per a Europa. Avui, en el #DiaMundialDelsOceans, t'expliquem com contribueix la Unió Europea a protegir-los.
#EUGreenWeek #WorldOceanDay @EU_MARE
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ComissioEuropea/status/1666794879546957824
#DiaMundialDelsOceans #EUGreenWeek #WorldOceanDay
In honor of #WorldOceanDay, we’re highlighting some of our most exciting research and commentary on #MarineBiology and #ocean research. This study describes a method to color coral larvae to track how it behaves during restoration efforts https://plos.io/3PbnQXJ
#ocean #marinebiology #WorldOceanDay
🌊De oceaan speelt een cruciale rol in de aanpak van klimaatverandering. #WorldOceanDay
Het genereert de zuurstof die we nodig hebben en absorbeert koolstof uit de atmosfeer.
De EU maakt zich sterk voor de internationale oceaan. Hoe? Lees het hier: 🔗https://europa.eu/!kJvynn
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinNL/status/1666792948225261571
A l'occasion de la Journée mondiale de l'océan, rejoignez notre appel #NoNatureNoFood #WorldOceanDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/saskiabricmont/status/1666803195002355715
#NoNatureNoFood #WorldOceanDay