🆕Updated #EEAIndicator shows consumption of #ozone-depleting substances grew in 2021 but is expected to drop when stockpiles are exported.
The EU continues to actively phase-out ozone-depleting substances in line with UN #MontrealProtocol #WorldOzoneDay
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUEnvironment/status/1570726494804250624
#EEAindicator #Ozone #MontrealProtocol #WorldOzoneDay
Today marks the #WorldOzoneDay🌍
Safeguarding the health of our environment🌻 is of the utmost importance – and our choices matter!
Together💪 we can make a change by adopting a sustainable lifestyle.
Read the topics we work on👉http://europa.eu/!33qRcp
Franziskus I: Der Zustand der Zerstörung unseres gemeinsamen Hauses verdient die gleiche Aufmerksamkeit wie andere globale Herausforderungen die schweren Gesundheitskrisen und die kriegerischen Konflikte. #WorldOzoneDay #ZeitDerSchöpfung https://twitter.com/Pontifex_de/status/1570736763336724480
#ZeitderSchöpfung #WorldOzoneDay