RT @EULawDataPubs: 1/🧵
Hey, teacher! Today is for you! Happy #WorldTeachersDay! Discover some great free content for the classroom and your pupils on https://op.europa.eu/en/home from the Publications Office of the European Union @EULawDataPubs! Follow our thread today ...
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EULawDataPubs/status/1577819611977977858
#WorldTeachersDay #WorldTeachersDay2022
🎉Happy World Teachers’ Day!🎉
💪We need to empower teachers and educators globally.
❗️Vote for the most innovative teacher http://europa.eu/!v6DNyT
🔴Joining our LIVE conversation today at 16.00 CEST with teachers https://fb.me/e/1XzfU4kH2
#WorldTeachersDay2022 #WorldTeacherDay
Teachers! 👨🏫Are you teaching digital publishing, webmastering, web design and content? Spread knowledge about making web content #Accessible for all with our comprehensive learning corner on #AccessiblePublishing!➡️https://europa.eu/!cJjMTb
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EULawDataPubs/status/1577724423557320727
#accessible #AccessiblePublishing #WorldTeachersDay2022
RT @EULawDataPubs: 1/🧵
Hey, teacher! Today is for you! Happy #WorldTeachersDay! Discover some great free content for the classroom and your pupils on https://op.europa.eu/en/home from the Publications Office of the European Union @EULawDataPubs! Follow our thread today ...
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1577671419932147712
#WorldTeachersDay #WorldTeachersDay2022
RT @EU_Eurostat: 🍎👨🏫In 2020, there were 5.2 million teachers employed in primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education in the EU.
🔹39% of teachers were 50 years old or older
🔸73% of teachers were women
#WorldTeachersDay2022 #WorldTeachersDay
RT @EU_Eurostat: 🍎👨🏫In 2020, there were 5.2 million teachers employed in primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education in the EU.
🔹39% of teachers were 50 years old or older
🔸73% of teachers were women
#WorldTeachersDay2022 #WorldTeachersDay
For publications check out our topics page (https://europa.eu/!hhXXMv). You can also discover our catalogue which showcases the EU's activities & projects close to the hearts of Europeans (https://europa.eu/!jMbrMW).
Enjoy the discovery!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EULawDataPubs/status/1577573141525790728
Hey, teacher! Today is for you! Happy #WorldTeachersDay! Discover some great free content for the classroom and your pupils on http://op.europa.eu from the Publications Office of the European Union @EULawDataPubs! Follow our thread today ...
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EULawDataPubs/status/1577543172279910400
#WorldTeachersDay #WorldTeachersDay2022
RT @EU_Eurostat: 🍎👩🏫In the EU in 2020, the average number of pupils per teacher at the primary, secondary and upper secondary levels was 12.3
🇳🇱Netherlands (16.5 pupils per teacher)
🇫🇷France (14.9)
🇱🇺Luxembourg (7.1)
🇬🇷Greece (8.5)
Tänään vietetään maailman opettajien päivää 📚 Tärkeintä mitä päättäjät voivat tehdä, on investoida opettajiin ja koulutukseen. Se on avain parempaan tulevaisuuteen kaikkialla maailmassa.
#maailmanopettajienpäivä #WorldTeachersDay2022
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/HennaVirkkunen/status/1577592816695386115
#maailmanopettajienpäivä #WorldTeachersDay2022
RT @IsblCano: #WorldTeachersDay2022
Education is needed 3️⃣6️⃣5️⃣ days a year‼️
✅️More budget in education
✅️Better schooling for girls around🌏🌎🌍
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1577592914351374337
#WorldTeachersDay2022 #DiaMundialDeLosDocentes
Today is #WorldTeachersDay2022 and alugha encourages all teachers to use #alugha and #alucation for their lessons.
#wespeakearthish #multilingual #videosinlessons
#WorldTeachersDay2022 #alugha #alucation #wespeakearthish #multilingual #videosinlessons #dubbinginlessons
🍎👩🏫In the EU in 2020, the average number of pupils per teacher at the primary, secondary and upper secondary levels was 12.3
🇳🇱Netherlands (16.5 pupils per teacher)
🇫🇷France (14.9)
🇱🇺Luxembourg (7.1)
🇬🇷Greece (8.5)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_Eurostat/status/1577566634516123648
🍎👨🏫In 2020, there were 5.2 million teachers employed in primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education in the EU.
🔹39% of teachers were 50 years old or older
🔸73% of teachers were women
#WorldTeachersDay2022 #WorldTeachersDay
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_Eurostat/status/1577564191686287361
#WorldTeachersDay2022 #WorldTeachersDay