Another on point @effinbirds daily calendar entry for #InternationalWomensDay. To all those whining about how there isn’t an #InternationalMensDay - there is. It’s on November 19 and it’s the same day as #WorldToiletDay. Calm the fuck down 😘
#WorldToiletDay #InternationalMensDay #internationalwomensday
Its #WorldToiletDay and I really just feel like saying CLTS (Community Led Total Sanitation) is kind of bullshitty.
A process that has led many governments to adopt policies that require people build their own toilets by inducing shame. A process that uses the word “community-driven” to take pressure off governments to provide basic, safe, lasting and accessible sanitation services. And that sometimes delays these same communities from being “rewarded” with basic water.
I hate it.
RT @OlofBSkoog: Look what I found outside the UN!Nearly half of the world population lacks access to “safe toilets” . 800 children die from diarrhea linked to unsafe water and sanitation every day. Something to reflect on next time you sit on one of these. #WorldToiletDay #UNWater #SDG6
#WorldToiletDay #UNWater #SDG6
RT @UN: More people in the world have mobile phones 📱 than toilets 🚽.
But access to safely-managed sanitation is crucial for healthy lives.
On Saturday's #WorldToiletDay, see how the #GlobalGoals aim to ensure access to sanitation for all.
Toilets 🚽 play a fundamental role in fighting against cholera and other diseases. Today is the day to remember that!
📷 In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Germaine and her children use latrines and showers installed by @UNICEF with EU humanitarian aid.
Is there a reason why #InternationalMensDay and #WorldToiletDay share a date? 😆
Anyway, happy #MensDay to all our followers who identify as men and who wash their hands after using the bathroom.
To the rest of you: Ewww! 😜
#vexed #tobystephens #MensDay #WorldToiletDay #InternationalMensDay
World Toilet Day
ph @romaierioggi (Archivio Primoli)
#WorldToiletDay #comeravamo #vespasiano #TBT #romaierioggi #sampietrino #sanpietrino #sampietrini #sanpietrini #roma #rome #sampietriniromani
#sampietriniromani #rome #roma #sanpietrini #sampietrini #sanpietrino #sampietrino #romaierioggi #tbt #vespasiano #Comeravamo #WorldToiletDay
Today is #WorldToiletDay - I work with #Soroptimist colleagues in my home to twin toilets through so that women and girls in rural communities can have some dignity and safety in their daily lives
#toilettwinning #soroptimist #WorldToiletDay
"While there's been great success in building toilets across the Global South, the workforce & invisible infrastructures required to deliver safe sanitation for all receives much less attention, & sanitation workers still suffer severe discrimination." Read abt activities of ‘Towards Brown Gold’ project in Lumbini Peace Park, Nepal, around rights to WASH & awareness raising of the potential for shit re-use. Photo:Julian Mayers #WorldToiletDay #Sanitation
#UN: More people in the world have mobile phones 📱 than toilets 🚽.
But access to safely-managed sanitation is crucial for healthy lives.
On Saturday's #WorldToiletDay, see how the #GlobalGoals aim to ensure access to sanitation for all.
#globalgoals #WorldToiletDay #un
On November 19th #WorldToiletDay #Antinous shares this toilet seat from #Amarna, 20 km south of his sacred city of #Antinoopolis on the east bank of the Nile. #toiletday #akhetaten #Egyptology
#WorldToiletDay #antinous #amarna #antinoopolis #toiletday #akhetaten #egyptology
November 19th is #WorldToiletDay. Did #Antinous sit here? Maybe. We're flushed with pride on #toiletday to show the world's oldest wooden #toilet seat found at #Vindolanda #Romanfort at #HadriansWall:
#WorldToiletDay #antinous #toiletday #toilet #vindolanda #romanfort #hadrianswall
@joebrown I would expect no less from a #ProfessorOfPoop
Heroes of #WASH on
#WorldToiletDay 💪 🚽 💦
#WorldToiletDay #wash #ProfessorOfPoop
Non ci pensiamo mai, ma ogni giorno 3,6 miliardi di persone vivono senza servizi igienici sicuri. L'Agenda 2030 ha tra i suoi obiettivi quello di garantire la disponibilità e la gestione sostenibile dell'acqua e dei servizi igienico-sanitari per tutti, ma la strada è ancora lunga. Urge accellerare. #WorldToiletDay
Non ci pensiamo mai, ma ogni giorno 3,6 miliardi di persone vivono senza servizi igienici sicuri. L'Agenda 2030 ha tra i suoi obiettivi quello di garantire la disponibilità e la gestione sostenibile dell'acqua e dei servizi igienico-sanitari per tutti, ma la strada è ancora lunga. Urge accellerare. #WorldToiletDay
Aus Anlass des heutigen #WorldToiletDay eine Anekdote aus dem letzten Jahr, die ich bei Twitter #ausGründen lange angepinnt hatte.😢 🧵
In der Stadt:
Mann mit heruntergelassenen Hosen in der Hocke.
Wischt sich anschließend umständlich den Hintern ab. Entblößt vor allen, die vorbeigehen.
Den Mitmenschen zuliebe hat er in/auf eine Tüte gekackt, diese danach zugeknotet und in den nächsten Mülleimer geworfen.
Und seine Mitmenschen?
Today is World Toilet Day. So What? You may ask... 3.6 billion people are still living with poor quality or no toilets that ruin their health and pollute their environment.
#worldtoiletday #sanitation #sustainability
#sustainability #sanitation #WorldToiletDay
Today is World Toilet Day. So What? You may ask... 3.6 billion people are still living with poor quality or no toilets that ruin their health and pollute their environment.
#worldtoiletday #sanitation #sustainability
#sustainability #sanitation #WorldToiletDay
We have measured the value of toilets compared to many other items by asking which of them they could most easily live without. Lacking toilets is among the worst situations that people can imagine. #WorldToiletDay Cc:,