A toilet is not just a Water Closet, it is a dignity protector.
In 88% of refugee sites globally, families do not have access to a household toilet.
Together with our partners we strive to protect the dignity of refugees.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1594013545150103552
Preventing our #Water resources from contamination is the best way to keep our water affordable for everyone. Control at source measures will help achieve this.
#Water should be affordable for everyone. Consumers shouldn’t pay for others’ #pollution. Control at source prevents our water services from becoming costly.
#water #pollution #WorldToiletDay2022
Producers, not people, should be financially responsible for rectifying #pollution. Extended Producer Responsibility schemes can redress this imbalance if control at source measures are insufficient. #WorldToiletDay2022
#pollution #WorldToiletDay2022
#Medicines are essential to our health. Preventing these from entering the #environment through control at source measures helps consumers save money and achieve a healthy environment.
#medicines #environment #WorldToiletDay2022
Sanitation is a human right and is essential in keeping us and the #environment #healthy but these services have to be used appropriately. #Toilets are not bins, and waste water operators should not and can not be responsible for preventing potential contaminants from entering the environment. We need effective control at source measures to help keep our environment clean and #water services affordable.
#environment #healthy #Toilets #water #WorldToiletDay2022