Die Selbstverständlichkeit, mit der der Emir, der Macron und der Infantino auf dieser bizarren Muschibühne über die Körper von Mbappe und Messi verfügten. #worldcup #fifa #Qatar2022
#ModernSlavery #Quatar #Football #Worldcup https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/nov/24/inside-qatars-other-fan-zone-a-night-watching-football-with-qatars-migrant-workers (if everyone were like me,there would be no holywood, no professional sports, only a little, mostly local professional music, no tourism, etc. And there would be no Putin, no Sheiks, etc... posting from 15C, due to descendto 13C or 12C (inside), like every winter)
#Worldcup #football #quatar #modernslavery
Welcome to day 3 of the #FIFAWorldCup of shame.
Long story short #FIFA is still corrupt and and stands for nothing. And #Qatar is still a misanthropic regime that even during #WorldCup detains people for wearing a rainbow shirt.
#Worldcup #qatar #fifa #fifaworldcup
RT @omid9@twitter.com
Message to the @England@twitter.com football team at the #WorldCup for the game v Islamic Republic of Iran 🇮🇷 on Monday. We think it would be amazing if you did this. It would mean more than you could ever imagine.