We have a winner! In the final round of voting, Belgrade has beaten Malaga 81 votes to 70 and wins the right to host Expo 2027 in Serbia.
The theme is "Play for Humanity: Sport and Music for All".
#expo2027 #WorldExpo #WorldsFair
That leaves Rome, Busan, and Riyadh in the race for Expo 2030. Voting takes place in November.
Tomorrow, meanwhile, BIE members will be voting on the hosting rights for the smaller-scale Expo 2027 (or 28, if Phuket wins). It's a five way shoot-out between Bariloche, Belgrade, Malaga, Phuket, and Minnesota. Looking at flight prices, my wallet would not mind one bit if Malaga wins the bid (plus the city genuinely looks an interesting place to visit)!
#expo2030 #expo2027 #WorldExpo #WorldsFair
So, the BIE have announced that Odessa is out of the running for hosting Expo 2030. Which is fair enough. As much as I love the dream of a post-war Ukraine welcoming the world in 2030, serious logistic planning would need to start from late-2023 onwards, and that just seems impossible (and, probably, distracting).
#expo2030 #WorldExpo #WorldsFair
•I'd see #Mame on #Broadway w/ #AngelaLansbury & #BeaArthur - & #HelloDolly w/ #PhyllisDiller - & #FunnyGirl w/ #Streisand
•See Phyllis Diller's #ComedyShow @ #CarnegieHall
•See #Elvira live @ #KnottsBerryFarm
•Catch an #Elvis #concert, circa 1957
•Watch the first #NASA #MoonLaunch from #KennedySpaceCenter
•Visit #Disneyland when it first opened
•Attend the 1984 #OlympicGames
•Experience #Paris during the 1889 #WorldsFair
#ifihadatimemachine #mame #Broadway #AngelaLansbury #BeaArthur #hellodolly #phyllisdiller #FunnyGirl #streisand #comedyshow #CarnegieHall #elvira #knottsberryfarm #elvis #concert #nasa #moonlaunch #kennedyspacecenter #disneyland #olympicgames #paris #WorldsFair
In recognition of Gregory D. Milano's Society of Italian Historical Studies prize, Contemporary European History has generously made his article "The Class Without Consciousness: Fascism's ‘New’ Workers and the 1942 World's Fair of Rome" open access + free to all! Take a read! https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/contemporary-european-history/article/class-without-consciousness-fascisms-new-workers-and-the-1942-worlds-fair-of-rome/CA451B13AB8BB3A9FF5C7FF8CF72375A#article #histodons #ItalianHistory #ItalianHistory #WorldsFair #Rome #Workers
#histodons #italianhistory #WorldsFair #rome #workers
Congrats to Society for Italian Historical Studies prize winner Gregory D. Milano for his article "The Class Without Consciousness: Fascism’s ‘New’ Workers and the 1942 World’s Fair in Rome.” Learn here why the judges chose it + listen to his interview with Amanda Madden https://www.italianhistoricalstudies.org/events-awards/sihs-article-prize-for-modern-italian-history/ #histodons #SIHS #ItalianFascism #WorldsFair #ClassConsciousness #ItalianHistory #Rome
#histodons #SIHS #ItalianFascism #WorldsFair #classconsciousness #italianhistory #rome