#rpgaday2023 Day 23: Most Complex / Simple RPG I play
Most simple: #morkborg. Most complex: #WorldsWithoutNumber.
What keeps me from picking up more complex games? Parenting + full time job makes it hard for me to make time for gaming. I don‘t want to loose precious playtime bc I have to navigate complex rules. 30+ years of playing #ttrpgs taught me a lesson: the more complex the game, the slower actual game play becomes. Bodo Heye don‘t have the time 1/2
#rpgaday2023 #morkborg #WorldsWithoutNumber #ttrpgs
@greenspindle @Frank82R es gibt schon diese echt beeindruckende #Darksun Adaption für #OSE 🙂 Denke auch, das #WorldsWithoutNumber voll gut funktionieren würde. Tolle dnd Variante und das Setting ist schon postapokalyptisch angelegt und aus dem voll-kompatiblen #StarsWithoutNumber könnte man die Psionics-Regeln klauben
#darksun #OSE #WorldsWithoutNumber #starswithoutnumber
RPGaDay23 CatchUp (9) Favourite Dice:
I don't have any particular dice I prefer over others. For combat rolls or other super stressful situations, I usually prefer swingy results like a D20 gives, but for more methodical stuff like skill checks I prefer something with a more controlled distribution like 2D6 or even larger dice pools.
To no surprise I've been GMing a lot of #WorldsWithoutNumber and #CitiesWithoutNumber lately.
#WorldsWithoutNumber #CitiesWithoutNumber
@DM_Zeppelin have ye olde box and I still love me some #ADnD2E But to convince my friends, I should probably go all B/X (OSE) or #WorldsWithoutNumber ..WwN would actually quite a good fit, i reckon
finished a homebrew class for #worldsWithoutNumber today! the Champion class is an alternative to the default warrior with more of a focus on flashy maneuvers than raw numerical strength, that i made for use in my own games. threw it up on my itch page for anyone else who wants to use it!
#WorldsWithoutNumber #wwn #homebrew #osr #class
@MerricB @LeviKornelsen and he’s made it as a sandbox system full of tools for the GM with minimal but interesting setting fluff that can be used whole cloth or jettisoned completely. #scifi #SWN #StarsWithoutNumber
#fantasy #WWN #WorldsWithoutNumber
#cyberpunk #CWN #CitiesWithoutNumber
#scifi #swn #starswithoutnumber #fantasy #wwn #WorldsWithoutNumber #cyberpunk #cwn #CitiesWithoutNumber
first #WorldsWithoutNumber & #HotSpringsIsland campaign drew to an end after 1 year and 18 sessions 😊
#WorldsWithoutNumber #hotspringsisland
@Tim_Eagon @chgowiz @Yora all three (#SWN, #WWN, #CWN) have free versions and he’s looking into an open license for comfort. His own position is that RPGs are by nature open content so there’s no need for an #OGL, #CC, #ORC, #ELF but he understands the reassurance a license gives after all of this OGL hullabaloo. #StarsWithoutNumberRevised #WorldsWithoutNumber #CitiesWithoutNumber
#ogl #cc #orc #elf #swn #wwn #cwn #starswithoutnumberrevised #WorldsWithoutNumber #CitiesWithoutNumber
TTRPGs I want to run (as soon as the baby allows 😅).
..And probably the only things I will run for a while.
#ttrpg #rpg #tabletopgames #bladesinthedark #burningwheel #cairn #DungeonWorld #knave #savageworlds #worldswithoutnumber #osr #dnd
#ttrpg #rpg #tabletopgames #bladesinthedark #burningwheel #cairn #dungeonworld #Knave #savageworlds #WorldsWithoutNumber #osr #DnD
The Rift, day 14 of 30:
This is one of the species unique to the caldera known to Rifters as the Valley of Sleeping Fire.
#dungeon23 #setting23 #worldbuilding23 #worldbuilding #campaign23 #ttrpg #dnd #OSR #wwn #WorldsWithoutNumber
#aerithea23 #dungeon23 #setting23 #worldbuilding23 #worldbuilding #campaign23 #ttrpg #DnD #osr #wwn #WorldsWithoutNumber
The Rift, day 13 of 30:
A small settlement where two ancient enemies have put aside their differences in an attempt to better themselves and the world.
Yes, gwarrom are duergar, though without that "evil race" baggage - the feud between gwarrom and dwarves is so old that nobody knows how it started, and both sides have perpetuated atrocities.
#dungeon23 #setting23 #worldbuilding23 #worldbuilding #campaign23 #ttrpg #dnd #OSR #wwn #WorldsWithoutNumber
#aerithea23 #dungeon23 #setting23 #worldbuilding23 #worldbuilding #campaign23 #ttrpg #DnD #osr #wwn #WorldsWithoutNumber
Last week:
- I ran a #ttrpg (#TrophyGoldRPG) for two super nice people ❤️ I never played with before.
- I ran a session of #WorldsWithoutNumber where a 1hp character managed to forge an alliance between the PCs and undead tomb robbers.
#ttrpg #TrophyGoldRPG #WorldsWithoutNumber
Tylænna, day 31/31:
At long last - wrapping this Peak up. Here's the link to everything I wrote over the 31 days: https://shorturl.at/jrz89
I got a little extra inspired while making this map (definitely my best city map yet) and added an organization to inhabit that tower in the south... the Skywardens!
#dungeon23 #setting23 #worldbuilding23 #worldbuilding #campaign23 #ttrpg #dnd #OSR #wwn #WorldsWithoutNumber
#aerithea23 #dungeon23 #setting23 #worldbuilding23 #worldbuilding #campaign23 #ttrpg #DnD #osr #wwn #WorldsWithoutNumber
Lese gerade "Creating Your Campaign" und "Creating Adventures" in #WorldsWithoutNumber und bin ganz schön begeistert.
Danke für den Tipp @HeyeBodo
Yesterday, I ran the third session of the #TombRobbersOfTheCristalFrontier module (by Gus L. for #OSE), using #WorldsWithoutNumber. So far, the module is super fun. TROTCF focuses on a dungeon, which leans into sense of wonder, weirdness galore, and provides many opportunities for the players to come up with cool and unexpected solutions by interacting with factions and a dangerous dungeon terrain. The module also offers seeds for further adventures in a phantasmagoric Crystal Frontier 1/2
#tombrobbersofthecristalfrontier #OSE #WorldsWithoutNumber
@Turgon @HeyeBodo @Yosunai @Rollenspielblog
So! Am allerliebsten würde ich mir wohl den #Trophy -Schuber holen, das sprengt allerdings ein bisschen den Rahmen. #Vaesen und #worldswithoutnumber sind harte Follow-ups und da wird, wenn es soweit ist, der Würfel entscheiden. Vielen Dank Euch allen. :)
#Trophy #Vaesen #WorldsWithoutNumber
I'm back! I don't expect to be posting daily, but will hopefully be more regular and realistic. My goal is still to spend about a month on each Peak, but that month is no longer likely to align to that of our Gregorian calendar. I think 30 days of posts per Peak is a good target. That out of the way, I bring you:
The Rift, day 12 of 30:
The home of Byorn Lysander!
#dungeon23 #setting23 #worldbuilding23 #worldbuilding #campaign23 #ttrpg #dnd #OSR #wwn #WorldsWithoutNumber
#aerithea23 #dungeon23 #setting23 #worldbuilding23 #worldbuilding #campaign23 #ttrpg #DnD #osr #wwn #WorldsWithoutNumber
@alfora @Terael cool. Check mal die #dnd Variante #WorldsWithoutNumber, wurde im Podcast #StorytellerConclave ganz treffend als „DnD 3e, but if everybody would have chilled out“ 😅beschrieben.
#dnd #WorldsWithoutNumber #storytellerconclave
@phf @lonehorizons Agree, death at 0 hp can be a bummer, but there are some modern #dnd variants which have come up with much cooler approaches than 5e. Systems, in which combat is dangerous and daring, without characters biting the dust all the time. Here I’m thinking of #FiveTorchesDeep, #WorldsWithoutNumber, and #TheBlackHack in particular. Characters are a bit more robust, but not ridiculously pampered
#dnd #FiveTorchesDeep #WorldsWithoutNumber #theblackhack
langes Wochenende, viele Wianer*innen sind ausgeflogen, was allerdings kaum auffällt. Die Stadt geht über mit Touristen, was in unserem Stadtteil (Floridsdorf 😍 ) nicht auffällt.
Was passiert am WE? Evtl. #Blackswordhack (Vergleich Regeln gegen SRD), dann hat mich ein gewisser Heye Bodo mit #worldswithoutnumber ziemlich neugierig gemacht und vll werfe ich einen Blick in #CandelaObscura Quickstarter. Ansonsten Bisamberg, Donau usw. Für die Fahrt nach Böhmen fehlt uns ein wenig der Schwung.
#blackswordhack #WorldsWithoutNumber #candelaobscura