Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator :masto: · @Curator
62625 followers · 25735 posts · Server

Do you draw stuff? You're an artist.

Do you write stuff? You're a writer.

Do you photograph stuff? You're a photographer.

Your level of skill or competence in those fields don't matter, and it certainly doesn't matter whether or not you've been paid to do them. You don't need to say you're an 'aspiring' anything - you *are* the thing.

Do the thing. :artotter:


Last updated 2 years ago

Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator :masto: · @Curator
62331 followers · 25133 posts · Server

Need a boost? Check out . Be kind to yourself; creating is hard and takes lots of energy. Allow yourself to make mistakes :bob_ross: and acknowledge that they're part of the learning process. Realise that even the things you make that you dislike, other people may well love, so don't be afraid to share. Your art, your creations, are valid and there's a little bit of your soul in all of them :hammyblush:


Last updated 2 years ago

twitter-tooter · @tooter
1493 followers · 2427 posts · Server
Em · @Elchsa
84 followers · 173 posts · Server

@Curator Intermediate wheel potter here👋.

Practice never makes perfect in the world of mud but, as you say, skills improve and most importantly, understanding of clay properties increases. It, like many medium, has a life and a mind of its own and, in my experience, can respond differently every single time you throw.

That's the fun bit. Learning to adapt to clay properties and learn from the inevitable disasters . Watch the experts because they too have days that dont go well. Clay is very humbling.

Dive in. Get your hands dirty.
It's the only way to learn!

#WormsOfAffirmation #pottery

Last updated 2 years ago

Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator :masto: · @Curator
59428 followers · 21029 posts · Server

Anything you create is worth creating, even if the results are below your expectations; it's all practice, and if you're practicing, you're improving. I use this to fight my inner perfectionist and allow myself to draw things that are subjectively 'bad'; it doesn't matter, because it was practice. Time spent working on something improves your skill, your understanding, and any physical components (like strengthening your finger muscles for better pen control). Keep creating.


Last updated 2 years ago

Heather :chickadee: · @Rheall
993 followers · 16825 posts · Server
Heather :chickadee: · @Rheall
991 followers · 16724 posts · Server
Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator :masto: · @Curator
43542 followers · 18102 posts · Server

@lizkreates Have a browse through the tag :bear_hugs:


Last updated 2 years ago

Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator :masto: · @Curator
42883 followers · 17942 posts · Server

And I think that's important to see, for other people who are doing the same things we are; learning art, exploring their creativity. It's not good for our mental health to try to be perfect all the time, and so it's important that we acknowledge that we're not, and that's okay - that nobody is, and that's okay. It's healthy to have days where we take a break and goof off. It's fine if some days we just can't manage doing/making anything. We're not alone. :bowie_stardust:


Last updated 2 years ago

Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator :masto: · @Curator
42895 followers · 17950 posts · Server

Sit down, get comfortable, take a deep breath. Look around at your .art neighbours; enjoy the work they share. Let your creative knots unwind. Rediscover the joy of creating because you love to create.

Nobody judges you here for posting works in progress or experiments (see ). Nobody judges you for sharing links to your Patreon or Ko-Fi or your shop links (in fact, we love it - the fediverse is a huge supporter of buying people's art).

We got you. :bob_ross:

#WormsOfAffirmation #ArtBrave

Last updated 2 years ago

Heather :chickadee: · @Rheall
975 followers · 16599 posts · Server

Here's another for you all. :hearthands:

Featuring my fountain pen that's running low on ink. :da_sweat:

#KindNote #positivity #DailyAffirmation #WordsOfAffirmation #WormsOfAffirmation

Last updated 2 years ago

Heather :chickadee: · @Rheall
975 followers · 16599 posts · Server
Heather :chickadee: · @Rheall
975 followers · 16599 posts · Server

Hmm… I have an idea.

I've always been curious about what people's handwriting looks like.

Why don't we do some handwritten affirmations or positive notes for each other? Maybe use the hashtag ?

I'll start… :blobhug2:

#KindNote #positivity #DailyAffirmation #WordsOfAffirmation #WormsOfAffirmation

Last updated 2 years ago

Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator :masto: · @Curator
42913 followers · 17958 posts · Server

I see you all trying to be creative, to make things, to push past art blocks, to find inspiration, to get better, to find your style, to make your mark.

I see you trying and I'm proud of you all <3

Remember, you don't have to make what you think you should be making. Try something new. Try something exciting. Don't strive for perfection, strive for finding the joy in creating for creation's sake. Find your happy art place and languish there for a while. :bowie_stardust:


Last updated 3 years ago

Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator :masto: · @Curator
42916 followers · 17958 posts · Server

Re-boosting your own posts for 'the morning crew' or 'the night crew' is an acceptable and encouraged practice here. We are largely a community of supportive people who enjoy being given the opportunity to help each other and boost content we may have previously missed.

You should never feel ashamed of promoting yourself, especially as an artist, when it's so difficult to reach people. If anyone doesn't want to see your boosts, they can just scroll past.



Last updated 3 years ago

Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator :masto: · @Curator
42932 followers · 17965 posts · Server

All art is valid, and you're allowed to do whatever helps you make the art you want to make;

:artpaw: Turn the paper around because you can only draw good lines in one direction? It's fine!

:artpaw: Draw in pencil first in multiple iterations? Do it!

:artpaw: Use a million reference images? Yesferatu!

:artpaw: Trace the things you're having trouble drawing? Totes McGoats :D

The things that enable you to create are not 'cheating' - they're tools.



Last updated 3 years ago

Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator :masto: · @Curator
42934 followers · 17966 posts · Server

It's the weekend! I hope everyone's having a good one so far.

If you're inspired to make something creative, yay! If you're not, don't worry. It's okay to take time to let your brain 'cool down', and you shouldn't feel guilty for not 'being productive'. Self-care sometimes involves doing nothing at all, and that's totally fine and a very valid use of your time <3 You don't have to be productive *all* of the time. Don't wear yourself out.


Last updated 3 years ago

Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator :masto: · @Curator
42935 followers · 17967 posts · Server

Do you remember how long it took you to learn to write when you were in school, and what that involved? Copying letters over and over and over while your hand and fingers strengthened and got used to the movements?

Drawing/painting/other-forms-of-crafting are no different. You're learning a new skill; give yourself space to grow and be patient while you learn. You might be bad at first but that's fine, you're allowed to be. Keep going. Practice is part of the process. 💪


Last updated 3 years ago

Pseudo Nym · @pseudonym
503 followers · 976 posts · Server

@Rheall I have to know, is a typo, or intentional play on ? Either way, I love it.

#WordsOfAffirmation #WormsOfAffirmation

Last updated 3 years ago

Heather :chickadee: · @Rheall
975 followers · 16599 posts · Server

Your worth ≠ your productivity.

Be kind to yourself. You are worthy of love, attention, and respect just because you exist and you're you.

You don't have to prove yourself to anyone. :blobhug2:

#WormsOfAffirmation #positivity

Last updated 3 years ago