even after flying 6,000 miles last night, I just cant stop writing. some new content is on the way. hint hint, its for the #janus-idp project #backstage #idp #WritersWrite
#janus #Backstage #idp #WritersWrite
writers: have you ever felt that content that was just wrote may just be "perfect"? feeling that right now #WritersWrite
how many different countries am i going to write in today. count is up to 3 #WritersWrite
Making the most of the extended layover in frankfurt #WritersWrite #TravelerTales https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm33eA1o0AR/?igshid=YTgzYjQ4ZTY=
its almost 8am and im already creating diagrams. this upcoming book is really going to be good! #WritersWrite
over the course of the past few days, I have written almost 9000 combined words spread across multiple blog posts. cant wait to publish them all in the new year! #EnablingKnowledge #Evangelist #WritersWrite
#enablingknowledge #evangelist #WritersWrite
its Christmas eve. and I am still writing. excited to be able to publish all of this content in the new year! #WritersWrite
Perfect Christmas Eve combination. #Bills taking on the #Bears and writing up a new blog #WritersWrite #BillsMafia #Ansible #TisTheSeason https://www.instagram.com/p/CmkE2B1uFS2/?igshid=YTgzYjQ4ZTY=
#bills #bears #WritersWrite #billsmafia #ansible #tistheseason
a fairly relaxing Christmas eve. Weather in Buffalo is quiet (for the moment). Going to knock out 2 blogs today while taking in the #Bills game as they take on the Bears. #BillsMafia #WritersWrite
#bills #billsmafia #WritersWrite
last meeting of the week in the books. now time to work on the 11tymillion other items that are on the agenda. if theres one keyword about what to do over the holiday season, its going to involve a LOT of writing #WritersWrite
Today seems like a fine day to do some writing. Hopefully the flight south brings some warmth with it as well #WritersWrite #TravelerTales
actually.. building upon my "sounds of New York" discussion previously, i must say that it is causing me to knock out a pretty killer blog article. its these little pieces of inspiration that goes a long way #WritersWrite
Hit the open road today and setup a makeshift writing workspace in the passenger seat so I could do some writing. Managed to make some progress on my custom D&D campaign setting. #WritersWrite #DnD