Joel M. Hoffman, PhD · @JoelMHoffmanPhD
454 followers · 317 posts · Server

Remember the hour you got in the fall? Remember I emphasized that it was just a loan and you shouldn't squander it? You squandered it, didn't you? You threw it away. You used it for sleep or for relaxation or something, right? Well, now the universe is taking the hour back, which wouldn't seem so tiring if you'd listened to me in the fall and kept your spare hour in a safe place. I'm just saying...

#springforward #time #philosophy #spring #dst #meme #writing #WritingComminity

Last updated 2 years ago

Joel M. Hoffman, PhD · @JoelMHoffmanPhD
446 followers · 283 posts · Server

I finally got around to listening to 's digital narration. It's very good, yet obviously digital, and still buggy: In the 1st sample clip, the aspiration of plosives isn't quite right (most people won't notice) and it gets the intonation completely wrong on a question about 28 secs in.

I'm looking forward to version 2.0, but so far, while functional, it's hardly artistic.


#apple #writing #WritingComminity #amwriting #audiobooks #linguistics #ai #narration

Last updated 2 years ago

Joel M. Hoffman, PhD · @JoelMHoffmanPhD
75 followers · 48 posts · Server

"Better to be a dog in peaceful times than a human in chaotic times," said Feng Menglong. Do you agree?

A lot of people are enjoying the chaotic and basking in . Maybe the online chaos takes their minds off real-world chaos, the way horror films can distract from real horror.



#twittermigration #riptwitter #AncientWisdom #philosophy #quotes #peace #chaos #war #writing #WritingComminity

Last updated 2 years ago

Joel M. Hoffman, PhD · @JoelMHoffmanPhD
15 followers · 10 posts · Server

? Who's up for ? -- I love the coordination between these two adorable creatures. I still can't figure out how they do it. From my trip to earlier this year. (More: )

#Mondog #MonkeyMonday #india #delhi #newdelhi #OldDelhi #adorable #writing #WritingComminity

Last updated 2 years ago