PURPLE PROSE MONDAY is now a thing. I decided just now. #PurpleProseMonday
Search your manuscript for the words "like a" and post THREE SIMILES you wrote in your manuscript.
I'll start.
1) Wind from the Deep beckoned the Dwarrow down like a hand tugging on cloak hems.
2) Esor could not retreat into his robes like a turtle into his shell, but he made a marvelous effort at stuffing his chin behind his cravat.
3) Ilare quietly sang, "I have been so lonely," whispering from her like a brook rippling between stones.
Get purple with me! Post a simile or three, like a child pinning the tail on the donkey! #WritingCommunity #amWriting #Writing #writingFiction #simile #WritingGames
#WritingGames #simile #writingfiction #writing #AmWriting #WritingCommunity #PurpleProseMonday
I super have attention span issues so I need to make writing more stimulating. I'm going to play a game on here.
I'm listening to a YouTube playlist. Every time the song changes, I post one of the last lines (or two, or three) that I wrote in my book. I'll CW and unlist responses, so check the thread if you want to watch me writing from afar >
Starting with Inner Light by Elderbrook
#WritingCommunity #WritingGames #writing