Sara Marie Reine · @skimgoth
173 followers · 472 posts · Server

PURPLE PROSE MONDAY is now a thing. I decided just now.

Search your manuscript for the words "like a" and post THREE SIMILES you wrote in your manuscript.

I'll start.

1) Wind from the Deep beckoned the Dwarrow down like a hand tugging on cloak hems.

2) Esor could not retreat into his robes like a turtle into his shell, but he made a marvelous effort at stuffing his chin behind his cravat.

3) Ilare quietly sang, "I have been so lonely," whispering from her like a brook rippling between stones.

Get purple with me! Post a simile or three, like a child pinning the tail on the donkey!

#WritingGames #simile #writingfiction #writing #AmWriting #WritingCommunity #PurpleProseMonday

Last updated 2 years ago

Sara Marie Reine · @skimgoth
42 followers · 139 posts · Server

I super have attention span issues so I need to make writing more stimulating. I'm going to play a game on here.

I'm listening to a YouTube playlist. Every time the song changes, I post one of the last lines (or two, or three) that I wrote in my book. I'll CW and unlist responses, so check the thread if you want to watch me writing from afar >

Starting with Inner Light by Elderbrook

#WritingCommunity #WritingGames #writing

Last updated 2 years ago