ELT Journal just made my article "Towards Decolonizing L2 Writing" open-access:
New Piece in Inside Higher Ed on Teaching Writing with a Linked Classroom and an Intercultural Competence Framework.
#teamrhetoric #writingstudies #highered #rhetcomp #VirginiaTech
#rhetcomp #teamrhetoric #WritingStudies #highered #VirginiaTech
Seems like creatives is more protected than engineers to AI in the near futureIf AI is going to change the world.
@tomchivers looks at what we should teach the AI generation in Flagship Weekend.
The phonics movement is gonna be the national curriculum soon.
#pedagogy #literacy #teamrhetoric #WritingStudies
Piece by John Warner on David Bartholomae:
Wrote a column for Inside Higher Ed. Check it out:
#teamrhetoric #WritingStudies #literacy #highered
'chatGPT does not know the meaning of words.'
@collin_bjork writes about #GenerativeAI and #diversity.
#generativeAI #diversity #WritingStudies #highered #aiwriting
Lots of talk about AI and writing instruction but we might also focus on the mental and emotional relationship to social media and anxiety of writing to complete assignments and how these feed into each other. Had a great paper from a student on this topic. There might be a notable cycle of anxiety that social media and assignment writing might be feeding into each other in important ways. The past few years may have intensified this cycle? Do we study this enough? #teamrhetoric #WritingStudies
Getting cozy AF in my winter "break" office to work on explaining ethos and expertise #FoodRhetorics #Writing #WritingStudies
#foodrhetorics #Writing #WritingStudies
Nice blogpost on a #writingstudies approach to the #gpt3: http://rhetoricalthinking.com/2022/12/19/why-im-not-losing-sleep-over-ai/
One of the grad students in my #foodrhetorics course turned their final paper into a 5 episode podcast that blends their experience, textual analysis of two memoirs, and spatial rhetorical analysis to take on depictions of chronic illness and food. I don't think I've ever enjoyed grading a final project as much as this one! #writingstudies
#foodrhetorics #WritingStudies
#writingstudies #pedagogy #literacyscripts #literature
New #blogpost on reading on the page.
#WritingStudies #pedagogy #literacyscripts #literature #blogpost
There are already some extant hashtags and groups associated with the field here.
@teamrhetoric @writingstudies @languagelovers
Great podcast by Lingthusiasm
on how writing is a technology. This is prime nerding-out content for me:
(requires Spotify)
#WritingStudies #teamrhetoric #literacyscripts
#pedagogy #writingstudies #teamrhetoric #highered
Admin be licking its chops like a wolf in a Grimm Brother's fairy tale. Older faculty be grousing about how it's not real thinking and no-one wants to learn. They settle on retiring because no one is about the life of the mind anymore anyway.
#pedagogy #WritingStudies #teamrhetoric #highered
@academicchatter @writingstudies @teamrhetoric
#pedagogy #writingstudies #teamrhetoric #highered
I put in a rubric I use to evaluate student essays and had a short conversation with our friend GPT-3 about it. I asked it to evaluate a student essay based on the rubric: it assessed it the same as I did, providing more detailed glosses on each than I would have ( I think it's too much information).
The feedback was more than adequate - because the criteria is abstract.
#pedagogy #WritingStudies #teamrhetoric #highered
@teamrhetoric @writingstudies @languagelovers
One person I interviewed remembered covering the cell phone expo and being in the Nokia tent when the IPhone came out. He said everyone knew something big had just happened but not exactly what that meant.
All this #gpt3chat strikes me similarly. Not sure where all this is going to land.
#gpt3chat #WritingStudies #rhetoric #teamrhetoric #pedagogy #highered
Gonna say this now: GPT 3 is going to be such a powerful tool to teach normative grammar and provide feedback to students on ways things can be rewritten. Playing around with it is so mind blowing. It’s an amazing writing tool. 1/2
@teamrhetoric @writingstudies #teamrhetoric #writingstudies #pedagody #highered
#teamrhetoric #WritingStudies #pedagody #highered
For anyone interested in Writing Studies, the latest #WRAB2023 programme has been uploaded (February 2023 in Trondheim, Norway).
Anyone else o #AcademicMastodon who's going?
#AcWri #WritingAcrossBorders #HigherEducation #WritingStudies #WritingForPublication #TransLingualism #WritingAssessment
#wrab2023 #academicmastodon #acwri #writingacrossborders #highereducation #WritingStudies #writingforpublication #translingualism #writingassessment
I’ve been playing around with #OpenAI and really wondering where we’re going to go from here with #writingstudies and higher education, in general.
I had to play around with my prompts, but it produced a good starting place for an essay on analyzing a specific genre rhetorically and and essay that argues for a change in a community. I can’t even imagine where it will be in a few years.
#ai #AcademicMastdon #writing
#openai #WritingStudies #ai #AcademicMastdon #writing