CFP for #wrocloverb #ruby conference is open!
This week I've been constantly reminding myself of #nix fu, that I left unpracticed for years.
Back in the day I've contributed initial buildkite-agent.nix module. Today I'm using someone's else github-runner.nix 💚
In 2016 when we've invited Sander van der Burg to introduce #nix to Ruby audience at #wrocloverb, that all sounded exotic.
Today it feels maintsteam and one can play with #nix on #macos easily!
✨ #railseventstore CI is going to have a nice boost with self-hosted workers soon!
#nix #Wrocloverb #macos #railseventstore
#introduction time
I'm Jan from Wrocław, Poland. When I was 6 I got a Commodore 64 and that shaped my life. In 2012 I switched from PHP to #Ruby and joined Monterail where I'm still working. I'm coorganizer of DRUG Ruby meetup and #Wrocloverb conference.
I love history, sport (football and basketball mostly), video and board games (mainly collecting titles for future retirement) and I'm addicted to memes and gifs, so beware.
#introduction #ruby #Wrocloverb