🤯 :rebellion:😶
BIG ASK: Please #advise on #hashtags. Quickly.
[#above, #below? #Poll? #Just don't? #punctuation is #weird too, other followers.]
Maximum Verbosity below, char limits, possible cred. You be the judge.
(Sorry, can't #dontknowhowto do OP: e.g.:)
⟨ " Small wonder that, from the beginning, the internet has been a fight between those who [...]
...standard protocols exert powerful network effects on corporations. When everyone is adhering to a standard, when everything can talk to everything else, then it's hard to lure[...]
The enclosure of online communities can't be understood without also understanding the policy choices that [...]
These are the laws and technologies that transform network effects from a tool --" ⟩
This piece by @pluralistic is so worth the read to understand: much of the #community: ---
...#pronouns? Money? Liberty?
I particularly [😍 for #brevity=="loved"] this part:
⟨ " The Fediverse's foundation is ... This means that Activitypub is actually as good as its architects could make it, free from boobytraps laid by scheming monopolists. " ⟩ ---Or Style Guides.
.. which was the point I was trying to make @ https://infosec.exchange/@aniltj/109537052991250665 to ensure support for and existence of...
I would also note that in the early part of the work on #VerifiableCredentials and #DIDs, we had the same type of dismissal taking place -- Though now, we have moved into the phase were ...
Big Question:
#Hashtags to search on your own, or a clue as to what is happening in the text?
Had to #import from another server with a .... different character limit. Now I have all this room here and it *still* wasn't enough.
Want to share. #WrongAccount.
#HeyDevs #Learning #experience.
#BestTool? #Protip? #pro-tip? Does that even... no.
Or just:
1) Click on the very nice button #youKnow in the upper...nea...
Or Just:
1) Click on the shiny red button of doom that appears cutely in the...center of the[...]
Or just:
2) You can also @ the user but sometimes #fedi....
Is *this* the feed you want?
Which open standard reaches my people here and elsewhere and in between? #CHEERS for #OpenStandards but some #clients report... or don't report... distressing #boostPlzResponse numbers.
BIG ASK: Please #advise.
#Not @[REDACTED]@retro.pizza #yesThatOne is [REDACTED]. I thought you knew.
I man, that account is my regular but I don't check here much lately and that just leads to awkward explana---yes.
Yes, I get, the #irony.
2332 chars left here. Go on? @admin?
#advise #hashtags #above #below #poll #just #punctuation #weird #dontknowhowto #community #pronouns #liberty #brevity #verifiablecredentials #dids #import #WrongAccount #heydevs #learning #experience #BestTool #protip #pro #youknow #fedi #cheers #openstandards #clients #boostPlzResponse #not #yesThatOne #irony #cw