The FB Oversight Board is now calling for separating the judiciary branch at FB (judging cases, Xcheck lists) from the lobbyists. They haven't yet specifically opined on the legislative/executive branch functions also possessed by the lobbyists (writing community standards and approving execution of them via code proposals.)
Very interesting to see how FB reacts. Alex Stamos, Samidh, myself, and others have been advocating this for years.
#facebook #meta #oversightboard #Socialmedia #XCheck
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#BJPDestroyedIndia #thewire #Facebook #XCheck
#Facebook Says Its Rules Apply to All. Company Documents Reveal a Secret Elite That’s Exempt.
Facebook's quality control is so bad that mistakes regularly produce bad PR.
So they set up a system with manual controls #XCheck for millions of elite accounts. This list is so long that humans only review a small part of the warnings and many are (effectively) above the rules.
Facebook has been lying about this to governments, authorities and even their own review board.