Found this little gem for my #XPlane #Flightsim…it is a Rees “Spitfire Speedy Pup” and it clocks about 415 ground speed with counter-rotating props and 2,000HP, but approach is 80 KIAS.
Found this sweet Avro RJ100 regional jet for my #XPlane #Flightsim tonight. Someone has modified the panel for the X1000 (G1000) glass, and it flies perfectly. 350 kts ground speed at FL120.
Parked in the RJ gates at KPDX.
Maybe “Buzz” Airlines serves funny tasting cookies and gummies that keep all the pax happy? Would certainly cut down on air rage incidents!
#avgeeks #flying #airlines #travel #pilotlife #airliners #jets #aviation
#XPlane #flightsim #avgeeks #flying #airlines #travel #pilotlife #Airliners #jets #aviation
I believe someone at Laminar Research (X-Plane) might have had about six too many Red Bulls when they coded this Waco crash sequence. It just keep going, and going, and going. Tough machine though, no parts were seen flying off.
#avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #flightsims #XPlane #aircraft
#avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #flightsims #XPlane #aircraft
Having a bit of #XPlane #flightsim fun tonight with the Bell Jetranger #helicopter in NYC. Departed Downtown Manhattan Heliport, took a scenic route by the Lady of Liberty, and buzzed the Observation deck of the Empire State Building. Still no good at #rotorcraft flying but practice makes perfect. I can land it now without crashing, just not exactly where I want yet.
#XPlane #flightsim #helicopter #rotorcraft #avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying
Did some mods to my default #XPlane #Flightsim Cessna 172SP. Dropped in a Lycoming IO-720 8-cylinder engine that has been bored/stroked to produce 750HP, moved CG back to accommodate heavier engine, and changed Vne to 180.
In X-Plane, when on autopilot, all airplanes start porpoising when close to Vne.
So by increasing Vne on the 172SP, I can see 172 KTAS in this configuration, but on 47GPH fuel burn and the A/P holds very steady.
#avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #Cessna #172
#XPlane #flightsim #avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #cessna
Practicing on my #XPlane #flightsim tonight to be a Southwest driver (in my next life). Just arrived safely at KEUG’s gate Alpha 3 after departing KSFO.
I’m a long ways from understanding the FMS, so hand-flew it VFR in clear and a million WX.
Cabin crew reports nobody spilled their drinks, and nothing on the airplane was damaged on my “bouncy" landing.
#avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #airlines #Southwest #Eugene #Oregon #PNW
#XPlane #flightsim #avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #airlines #southwest #eugene #oregon #pnw
I was on short final into KATW in a Dash-8 in #XPlane #Flightsim tonight, and this SAME clown flying an American Mad Dog just slid in underneath me! FAA is gunna hear about this! This same dude has been doggin' me, comes outta nowhere at the worst times. I think someone at Laminar Research must just be toying with me (kidding).
After trying a number of airplanes, I’m going back to the trusty Cessna 172SP I flew around the country. It just flies perfectly.
#XPlane #flightsim #avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #flying
Flying the South African Airways DC-3 tonight in #XPlane #flightsim. Loaded it up over gross in Johnson Creek, lumbered out thru the canyons over to Boise (KBOI). Ground parked me in between a couple of Nationa Guard fighter jets. I made sure not to ding their million-dollar wingtips on the way in.
No fancy panel here, a drunk compass and a chart.
#avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #DC3 #vintage #aircraft
#XPlane #flightsim #avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #dc3 #vintage #aircraft
Was flying my #XPlane #Flightsim Basler BT-67 turboprop DC-3 conversion tonight, and noticed some really strange performance.
Something seemed…off.
When I looked out on the right wing, I found the answer. This takes “losing an engine” to a whole new level.
#avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #DC-3 #turboprops #aircraft
#XPlane #flightsim #avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #dc #turboprops #aircraft
I did it! Just landed back home in #Eugene, #Oregon on my #XPlane #Flightsim USA Air Tour. Hit all lower 48 states, Alaska and Hawaii plus Washington D.C.
Total nautical miles flown was 12,277. Laminar Research’s Cessna 172SP with Garmin G1000 panel was flawless the entire trip.
Parked in front of my old hangar and am now proficient at flying RNAV approaches with the G1000.
This was a helluva lot of fun, thanks all for playing along!
#eugene #oregon #XPlane #flightsim #avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #cessna
Made the looooong boring flight up to Ketchikan, Alaska to put that state in my #XPlane #Flightsim USA Air Tour logbook.
Didn't realize I failed to have the X-Plane scenery loaded (just lower 48?), so it replaces everything but the airport with water.
Expected to see nothing but Beavers up here, but parked next to a pair of King Air C90s.
Going home to #Eugene tomorrow or over the weekend to complete this project.
#XPlane #flightsim #eugene #avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #cessna
Fought a few +TS on the way from Boise to Paine Field (KPAE) to put Washington in my #XPlane #Flightsim USA Air Tour logbook.
Getting close to the end, only Alaska and then back home to KEUG in Oregon.
Parked in front of the Boeing plant, ground crew arranged a VIP golf cart tour later today.
Cool that there are completed virtual airliners all over the X-Plane version of KPAE, about as real as flight sim flying gets!
#XPlane #flightsim #avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #cessna
Left Billings tonight on way to Johnson Creek (3U2) in the Idaho backcountry, but lost the sun and trying to find an unlit grass strip in those canyons could be tragic.
So I climbed up to FL140 to get over the Rockies, put on the Oxygen mask and diverted to Boise (KBOI) to check Idaho off my #XPlane #Flightsim USA Air Tour intinerary.
Parked next to a sweet Cirrus Vision SF50 jet, and noticed there was another SF50 parked there as well.
#XPlane #flightsim #avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #cessna
Hopped over to Billings, Montana (KBIL) on my #XPlane #Flightsim USA Air Tour to check one more state off in the logbook.
Ground parked me at gate Brave Three Alpha, next to this private chartered DC-10. Ground crew told me that (in my virtual world) Aerosmith is in town to rehearse their Farewell Tour, and wanted to take a page out of Iron Maiden’s playbook and fly the tour in a big airliner.
Idaho next, might do a backcountry strip.
#XPlane #flightsim #avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #cessna
Decided Fargo was too far east to go see Duggy at the Fargo Air Museum, so opted for Dickenson/Teddy Roosevelt Regional (KDIK) to put North Dakota in my #XPlane #Flightsim USA Air Tour logbook.
Nice that the FBO left their crew car for me. Might be a Camry? Honda Accord? Doesn’t matter, keys are in it and it’s mine for the night.
What’s to eat in North Dakota? Maybe potatoes with a side of spuds?
#XPlane #flightsim #avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #cessna
Pushed on tonight into South Dakota on my #XPlane #Flightsim USA Air Tour, landing at Rapid City. Gave the line boy grief about the funny airport identifier, so he moved this military plane right in front of me to block the pumps. Dude has no sense of humor, I mean, the airport is KRAP!
Off tomorrow (for real-life Airport volunteer gig) then into Fargo, ND to visit Duggy at the Fargo Air Museum, and pick up 50 pounds of NoDak potatoes.
#XPlane #flightsim #avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #cessna
Made it to Nebraska on my #XPlane #Flightsim USA Air Tour. Landed at Searle Field in Ogallala, NE.
This is Cowboy country:
"In the days of the Nebraska Territory before the city was founded in 1868, Ogallala was a stop on the Pony Express along the roughly 2,000 miles between St. Joseph, Missouri and Sacramento, California."
Recruitment posters wanted "expert riders willing to risk death daily. Orphans preferred. Pay $25/week."
#XPlane #flightsim #avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #cessna
Nice smooth night flight from Wichita (KICT) into Rocky Mountain Metro (KBC) tonight on my #XPlane #Flightsim USA Air Tour to put Colorado in the books.
Pulled up to the Pilatus Completion/Delivery Center for parking.
The Team Ferrari guys told me a few stops ago they really wanted to trade the Piaggio P.180 Avanti in on a brand new PC-12 NGX. Looks like they are here to make that happen.
Also, someone asked about my “flight station."
#XPlane #flightsim #avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #cessna
Bumpy ride over to Wichita (KICT) from Kansas City to put Kansas in my #XPlane #Flightsim USA Air Tour logbook.
Choose Dwight D. Eisenhower Int’l so I could take my Cessna 172SP home to where it was built.
Folks in the front office want to know how I am getting 550HP out of the stock engine. I told them it was magic ;)
Factory tour this afternoon and then RON, headed into Colorado tomorrow.
#XPlane #flightsim #avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #cessna
With great effort getting my ass kicked by +Turbs on final, I somehow made Kansas City, Missouri (KMCI) on my #XPlane #Flightsim USA Air Tour but Air Berlin Flight 6710 is parked at my assigned gate.
Even bigger problem than the rodeo landing was this from
"Kansas City is the barbecue capital of the world with more than 100 outstanding barbecue restaurants.”
So much brisket, so little time.
#XPlane #flightsim #avgeeks #aviation #airplanes #pilotlife #flying #cessna