đą The #Monado SLAM datasets are now available! These datasets are an #XR focused set of sequences for measuring visual-inertial inside-out tracking systems. They are released under a CC-BY-4.0 license so feel free to use them! https://col.la/msds #OpenXR #OpenSource #AR #VR
#monado #XR #openxr #OpenSource #AR #VR
"De burgemeester doet wel alsof de stad door een ramp wordt getroffen maar dat is aanstellerij. Vorig jaar nog werd dezelfde weg 5 maanden(!) afgesloten wegens werkzaamheden. Je kunt de demonstratie ook zo zien: noodzakelijk klimaatonderhoud."
Hout stoken is co2 neutraal en dus beter dan olie of gas.
Dankzij #XR weten we van de 37+ miljard fossiele subsidies.
Hoeveel denk je dat dat per Nederlander is? En per huishouden?
Even een gedachte over de bezetting van de #a12
Hoewel ik ook vind dat er veel meer gedaan moet worden, vind ik niet dat dit onschuldig is.
Een weg blokkeren is namelijk niet toegestaan. #xr heeft dus willens en wetens de wet overtreden en wist dat de politie zou reageren. De manier waarop wijst op paniek, want reageren op een massa die ergens op hun kont gaat zitten, zorgt voor paniek. Niemand die weet hoe erop te reageren.
Maar strikt genomen is er wel geprovoceerd door de wet te overtreden.
Bonner Generalanzeiger:" Extinction Rebellion und Letzte Generation
Klima-Aktivisten bekleben GebÀude in Bonn mit Plakaten
Bonn · Extinction Rebellion, Scientist Rebellion und die Letzte Generation haben am Montag Plakate an mehrere GebĂ€ude in Bonn geklebt. Ihre Forderung: Die Politik muss mehr fĂŒr die BiodiversitĂ€t tun."
#ExtinctionRebellion #LetzteGeneration #LG #XR
#KlimaKrise #KlimaWandel
#ExtinctionRebellion #LetzteGeneration #lg #XR #KlimaKrise #KlimaWandel
#Wealthy people have higher environmental footprints. It's nice to see #XR #activists targeting luxury.
Climate activists in #Barcelona have spray-painted a superyacht, blocked private jets from taking off, and plugged holes in golf courses this summer as part of an intensifying campaign against the emissions-spewing #lifestyles of the ultrawealthy.
#wealthy #XR #activists #barcelona #lifestyles #climatechange #activism
9 years in #virtualReality
Now it's a big part of my career. I didn't dream it would lead me to Lucasfilm and ILM when I placed my pre-order for a DK2.
As an excellent example, the convergence of an XR chapter with a local squatters movement. The climate activists recognizing the synergy of place-based "generative refusal" (Leanne Simpson) with the squatters, and getting involved in place-based resistance and a strategic material intervention to change the system in that city. Same story with Atlanta and #StopCopCity ...
... whose work has resulted in hundreds of people â including the middle class people and workers, who seem so elusive to other climate movements â getting involved in mass protest and advocating abolitionist and ecological perspectives to local government. Example here, from a firefighter in Atlanta talking abolition perspectives to the government:
"If you listen to any of the #StopCopCity public comment, you can hear how deeply abolitionist frameworks have taken rootââso many people, whether identifying as abolitionists or not, articulated a vision of safety dependent on resources and relationships, rather than policing." â @micahinatl
(Posted on Groundtalk here: https://groundtalk.land/#2023-07-30T12:31:19.48+00:00)
#climate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #ClimateActivism #StopCopCity #LandDefense #WaterProtector #XR #ExtinctionRebellion #squat #autonomous #abolition #atlanta #movement #MovementBuilding #MutualAid #strategy #organizing #activism #anarchy #anarchists #solidarity #pagan #antifa #decolonize #DualPower #labor #MiddleClass #workers #unions
#StopCopCity #climate #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #climateactivism #LandDefense #WaterProtector #XR #extinctionrebellion #squat #Autonomous #Abolition #atlanta #movement #movementbuilding #MutualAid #strategy #Organizing #activism #anarchy #anarchists #solidarity #pagan #antifa #decolonize #dualpower #labor #middleclass #workers #Unions
Killing millions and displacing billions of people is evil #XR
This is #KISS best not to add noise to the signal #climatechaos
#dtm & #klima ? #mahnwache
Wie geht das zusammen Firma #ADAC ??
- KlimaschĂŒtzer-Deutschland lĂ€uft rot an!
Der ADAC wird ab 2023 die DTM ausschreiben. Berger Motorsport AG verkaufte an ADAC. Motorsport-Teams warten seit Wochen auf Neuigkeiten.
Aus Klimaschutzsicht ist das kein groĂer Skandal, setzt aber die komplett falschen Anreize in einer Zeit, wo wir Katastrophen auf allen Kontinenten erleben, die auf den erhöhten CO2 Anstieg und somit auch auf den Automobil bzw. MobilitĂ€tssektor zurĂŒckgehen.
Nun ist die Stadt NĂŒrnberg #nurnberg gefordert, mit allen anderen Gruppen zu ĂŒberlegen, wie sie das Versprechen von Dezember 2022 umsetzen will, die gesamte Stadt klimaneutral zu machen. Wir erwarten zukĂŒnftig hier auf dieser historischen traurigen Nazi - StĂ€dte anderes als heulende, stinkende Motoren. Geld hin oder her. Davon werden wir uns bald kein Trinkwasser und keine Lebensmittel mehr kaufen können, wenn wir alle so weitermachen wie bisher. #klimaaktivisten kommt! 7.-9.7.! Stadt der #NuernbergerProzesse
#motorsport #nurnberg #demo #XR @xrgermany @XR_Nuernberg @bundnaturschutz #bund #BundNaturschutzBayern #stopptdiedtm @nuernberg_de #nuernberg_de
#dtm #klima #mahnwache #ADAC #nurnberg #klimaaktivisten #NuernbergerProzesse #motorsport #demo #XR #bund #bundnaturschutzbayern #stopptdiedtm #nuernberg_de
Our #mainstreaming if you are wondering why I am documenting the devouring of this #ActivityPub #openweb reboot, it is because next time we can maybe try and mediate our "libertarian cats" for a better outcome. We cannot just keep fucking up like this #XR
#mainstreaming #activitypub #openweb #XR
In the era of #climatechaos and #XR people who are #blocking the needed social change in tech are criminals, who play an active role in the building genocide of our societies and peoples due to social and ecological breakdown.
We have different paths in place #4opens #openweb #OGB #indymediaback #OMN are working examples of social tech tools to mediate away from this #mainstreming criminality.
Take moment to step away, take a breath, think then act, thanks
#climatechaos #XR #blocking #4opens #openweb #OGB #indymediaback #omn #mainstreming
@witchescauldron I went to a geek meetup yesterday, and I came away with a feeling that our insanity is too deep to move away from.
This is a problem for people who would like to see some active change and challenge. People really are insane in the era of #XR and #climatechaos
Ideas from the mental help profershern please for dealing with #mainstreaming "common sense" insanity.
#XR #climatechaos #mainstreaming
What #XR are doing now Yep this is GOOD, and it's the usual self-defeating shit, did you see my video report on this https://visionon.tv/w/gq6qCiUoC2J8RqhYHgpmzq
Hot take time: The Vision Pro, along with a future consumer version, will bring the much-awaited XR breakthrough. Apple has a track record of pushing boundaries (iPod, iPhone,...). Plus: Gaming VR isn't a top priority for the masses, and its significance is often exaggerated.
#Apple #Vision #VisionPro #XR #WWDC
#apple #vision #visionpro #XR #WWDC
Fluffy office occupations are a good tool for creating more real dialogue with #mainstreaming organizations that are BLOCKING the change and challenge that is needed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MixCTe334io this is an example from #XR
Guardian: "More than 1,500 arrested at Extinction Rebellion protest in The Hague. Several Dutch celebrities among protesters, including Game of Thrones actor Carice van #Houten."
#houten #ExtinctionRebellion #XR #klimaaktivisten #Klimaaktivistinnen #KlimaKatastrophe #niederlande