I finally got my elderly Davis Vantage Pro2 wx station replaced. I had previously used a Windows setup to send out my wx data via ARPS via my TM-D710. This time I am trying to make it work with linux using Xastir.
With my weather data, I checked into the Kansas Weather Net tonight at 6pm (local) on 75M. Had not done that in about three years. Good to hear the regulars. 75M was in rough shape. Lots of highs reported in the mid-90s. Tomorrow is going to be hotter. 🙁
I always foudn the #Xastir documentation on how to build it from source very frustrating... Here is my take on it.... #APRS #hamradio https://www.f4fxl.org/building-xastir-from-sources/
#Lesson of the day: Unless you're absolutely sure of your #Linux audio setup, disable speech announcements from #Xastir before transmitting from #WSJTX. Unless you like cluttering up the #HF data segments with mechanical voices telling people about all the new #APRS stations that are local to you. 😳 This was one of the rare occasions where poor #shielding of some various cables in the #hamshack actually helped me #debug the problem faster!
#debug #hamshack #shielding #aprs #hf #wsjtx #Xastir #linux #lesson
#Lesson of the day: Unless you're absolutely sure of your #Linux audio setup, disable speech announcements from #Xastir before transmitting from #WSJTX. Unless you like cluttering up the #HF data segments with mechanical voices telling people about all the new #APRS stations that are local to you. 😳
#aprs #hf #wsjtx #Xastir #linux #lesson
Turns out that #pocketchip is quite good at #aprs by running #Xastir . Some windows don't fit, but otherwise its pretty neat! I need to check this on the PinePhone too.
#Xastir up and runing whit offline vector graphics map. Digipeater NP3QL-1. #aprs #radioaficionados #hamradio #radioaficionpr #np3ql
#np3ql #radioaficionpr #hamradio #radioaficionados #aprs #Xastir
@kb1gim Thanks for the information. In my station Direwolf is decoding and encoding APRS packages ok. The problem is that I can't know how to configure direwolf to activate PTT to the IC-7100. I uncomment # a line to enable PTT and trying to use the same configuration that worked for #JS8call tty/USB0 but have no luck to get it work. That is the status of my #direwolf and #Xastir use for #APRS on the #Raspberry pi 3+.
#raspberry #aprs #Xastir #direwolf #js8call